Budget gap, victory for Berlusconi- Corriere.it


There was a moment when, yesterday, the pressure within Forza Italia to “not tie our hands” by tying the yes to the budget variation to the will of the allies was about to prevail. The moderate wing of the party – led by Gianni Letta, with Mariastella Gelmini to manage relations with the leaders of the majority group and Renato Brunetta to negotiate with the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri – he was anxious not to submit to the dictates of Matteo Salvini: “Our proposals have been accepted for government, let’s say immediately that we are going to vote yes, they do what they want, ”was the line of the night.

One is served night of close negotiations in which everyone had to put something on the plate – the government that gave so much to FI but also something to FdI and Lega, the official sweethearts of the Carroccio and the blues at work (of Tajani and Ronzulli Giorgetti, with the collaboration of Meloni’s men) – to reach an agreement that satisfies everyone a bit but gives an objective victory to those who have spent themselves for the result almost breaking the coalition: Silvio Berlusconi.

“We will vote together in favor of the deviation also in the Senate, and it is our victory – says Tajani himself -. We have tried to protect the self-employed, those most affected by this economic and health crisis. We insist that there was also a tax moratorium to protect this category. Support for this deviation has nothing to do with support for the government. We did it in the interest of the Italians. We have given a strong signal of responsibility.Now we expect the government to comply with the commitments it has made.

Il Cavaliere returns to center stage after having risked very badly to get out of it, obtaining a double result: a privileged relationship with the government but also the strength of his coalition. This is why he was the first in the morning to break the delay announcing the yes of Forza Italia but correcting his own who attributed the will to leave on his own, if the allies had not followed him.

And the allies, in the name of the supreme good that today also for them is the unity of a coalition that is expected to vote in the spring in more than 1,000 municipalities, have not resisted.

«I am glad that most of them come to the proposals that we have been making for months. The opposition is compact and is convinced that only by being together can these results be taken home, while the majority cannot, since they presented the project at the last minute ”, Giorgia Meloni explains. He warned that a new era is not beginning, but that “we will vigorously monitor what the government does with these resources.”

“Looking at the numbers, we are talking about 8 billion for companies, not spent as in the past on scooters and wheelbases. The Democratic Party would like the center-right divided but it is an illusion, in fact instead I would be more concerned about pieces of the majority attentive to our proposals, “he attacks. Salvini.

But it is clear that today the balance of power in the coalition is confused, although obstacles remain along the way. A son Me, that FI is determined to vote and Lega and Fdi are not. And on the structure that the coalition will have to take from now on, given that Salvini’s proposal for a federation center-right has not been accepted at the moment. Tomorrow’s problems. Today Berlusconi enjoys a rediscovered centrality. Until a few weeks ago, completely unexpected.

November 26, 2020 (change November 26, 2020 | 15:11)

