Coronavirus, in Germany the contagion curve is not reversed. Merkel: “Worried.” England, December 2 end of closure: but the red zones will remain. The prince of Sweden and his wife are infected


The Germany still fails in reverse the contagion curve from coronavirus, with the Christmas holidays approaching and the hope of the government of loosen restrictions allow citizens to do vacation expenses and get together, even in groups of up to ten people. According to the latest newsletter published by Robert Koch Institute, the number of confirmed cases has increased by 22,268, for a total of 983,588 cases since the start of the pandemic. The exponential growth has stopped, but “there is still no reversal of the trend, the growth of infections has stopped in a high level, too high. And in many Länder they are still growing too much instead of falling, ”he said. Angela Merkel talking to Bundestag, citing among other things the “Sad history of victims” marked the day before yesterday. “Is should worry us – he added – If we waited for the intensive care to be filled, it would be too late ”.

Coronavirus infections also in the royal family in Sweden. the Prince Charles Philip, 41 years old, second son of the reigning sovereign, and his consort, Sofia, 35, both tested positive in these hours after experiencing symptoms of the infection already yesterday. Tampons have now also been placed for the rest of the dynasty, by the 74-year-old king. Carlo Gustavo, to the 76 year old queen Silvia, even the heir to the throne Victory (43 years old) and her husband Daniel. On Friday, the entire royal family had gathered in a Lutheran church for the funeral of Walther sommerlath, brother of the queen.

L ‘England will remain largely on red alert even after the expiration of the national closure bis December 2. The Minister of Health made it official today in the House of Commons, Matt hancock, which indicates that in the first post-confinement phase, marked by a reinforced version of the system of graduated local restrictions, the area of Manchester and several other counties will be subject to a red alert regime (very high risk), with limitations only slightly lower than the lockdown. While an even greater number of people will be in the intermediate range of the orange alert (high risk) and only a minority of counties will be able to enjoy the lowest level of bans, that provided by the yellow alert (medium risk).

Across the Atlantic, in the United States The number of daily victims is worrying, which for two days has remained above 2,000. In the last 24 hours they have been more than 2,400 dead for coronavirus, according to data from Johns Hopkins University: the worst figure in more than six months. The last time the death toll surpassed this number in one day was in early May, at the height of the health crisis in the United States. The country has simultaneously registered almost 200 thousand new infections. Despite this, the Supreme Court blocked limits imposed by New York State authorities on religious functions: with a vote of 5 to 4 the judge’s decision was decisive Amy coney barrett, nominated by President Donald Trump and recently confirmed by Congress. The court’s decision conflicts with two other church-related rulings in California and Nevada, issued before Judge Barrett joined the United States superior court. In those cases, the judges allowed the governors to limit participation in religious services.

Just four days after the praise of theWorld Health Organization towards Asian countries like South Korea, where he “people are fully involvedThey adopt behaviors that make it difficult for the virus to circulate. They keep the distances, they use More expensive, they isolate themselves when they are sick, they protect the groups at greatest risk ”, precisely Alone registers a new peak of infections: they are 583 new cases of Covid-19 recorded in the last 24 hours, of which 553 of national emission. This is the highest level for more than 8 months. “We are in a situation in which virus outbreaks can arise anywhere,” admitted the Minister of Health. Park neung-hoo.

Russia – New peak of new infections and deaths caused by Covid-19 in 24 hours. During the last day, 25,487 new cases of Covid-19 were determined and 524 people died from the virus according to data published by the national coronavirus operations center. The mayor of Moscow, Serghiei Sobyanin, has decided to extend until January 15, 2021 the rule adopted in October that obliges companies and companies to have at least 30% of your employees work remotely to curb the Covid-19 epidemic.

Tunisia – Tunisian Minister of Health Faouzi Mahdi estimates that the 12% of Tunisians have already contracted the coronavirus. “In the last 14 days, the spread of the virus has reached 135 cases per 100,000 inhabitants,” he said at a press conference, recalling that up to November 23, 90,213 confirmed cases were registered in Tunisia out of a total of 439,181 analyzes carried out. .

Ukraine New infection registry in Ukraine. In the last 24 hours, 15,331 new cases have been detected in the former Soviet republic, the highest since the start of the epidemic. The deaths caused by the disease during the last day were 225.
