“In the Month they are making fun of us”: the League leaves the meeting of group leaders


The work of the Senate group leaders conference was in progress. There are many issues to address, including Me and the information programming of the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri. Precisely the knot related to the State Savings Fund, the same measure that is starting the Giallorossi government from within, has provoked the anger of the Lega, which has left the table unlike Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia, who are stayed in place.

According to majority sources, the decision of the Carroccio occurred while the Month and the presence in the Chamber of Minister Gualtieri were being discussed. The group led by Matteo Salvini, according to the same sources, challenged the majority’s proposal to place the head of the Mef in the only commission, while the center-right asked for information in class.

They mock us, Minister Gualtieri sul Mes gives the will to come to the courtroom and the majority say that he is well in commission.“, He told theDnakronos, Maximilian Romeo, group leader in the Senate of the League, after leaving the work of the group leader of Palazzo Madama, on the theme of Mes. “I’ve never seen an attitude like this“he added.

In other words, the League would like Gualtieri to take a step in the Chamber, while for the majority it is sufficient that the hearing of the Minister of Economy takes place in front of the Finance and EU Affairs committees, since a vote in the assembly – explains the Dem – is already scheduled for December 9 after Giuseppe Conte’s communications in view of the European Council.

In any case, the Senate chamber will vote With the calendar if the Minister of Economy Gualtieri will speak in committee or in the classroom at the European Council on the 10th. This is what the group leader of Palazzo Madama established. The presence in the classroom of Prime Minister Conte is already scheduled on the 9th on the same subject.

The tension skyrockets

In recent days, the temperature around the Month has skyrocketed, also and especially in view of the next meeting of theEcofin, called to give the green light to the European agreement on the reform of the rescue fund. It is no coincidence that the tug of war of the majority has also been unleashed on whether or not to access the instrument of the rescue fund.

Prime Minister Conte finds himself in the middle of two fires, forced to mediate between the axes Pd-Italia Viva, both in favor of the Month, and 5 star movement, contrary. Time is running out and, in fact, some consider that Monday’s meeting in Brussels is the first step in requesting access to the European Stability Mechanism. In reality, the majority point out, it is only in the presence of the ratification of a European agreement on the need to review the mechanism that it does not imply any automaticity for the purpose of using the European instrument.

Gualtieri will also try to explain it to the Chambers, before going to Brussels, implementing the clause voted in December 2019 that committed the government to inform the Chambers before each step on the MES issue. Despite this, the spirits of the most they are far from happy also because Prime Minister Conte confirmed his line: “Access the Month? We have a lot of resources, we have to know how to spend them, we have enormous resources in the budget law, we have the European structural funds“Meanwhile, the PD and Italia Viva continue to strongly demand the use of this line of credit to reactivate the destinies of a public health system exhausted by years of cuts and the pandemic crisis.
