As the candidates for anti-Covid-19 vaccines continue their race towards final approval, Italy is preparing for the arrival of the first doses with an operational propagation plan for January 2021. The commissioner has taken the first steps for Emergency Domenico Arcuri , in charge of coordinating the drafting of the vaccine distribution plan in Italy, with the first collection of the list of distribution points for each region. Other details emerge about how daily life will be regulated during vaccination, with the government aiming to bring at least a first draft of the document to Parliament in early December, probably on the 2nd.
Who will be vaccinated first
One of the main points contained in the vaccination plan is the priorities that will be given to certain categories of the population considered more fragile. Therefore, the first to be vaccinated against Covid will be health workers from public and private structures, including RSAs. Immediately afterwards it will be the turn of the over 80s. Only afterwards will we move on to the younger groups, over 75, over 70 and so on. They will be joined by younger citizens affected by serious diseases and therefore also more fragile. The expectation of coverage, as Professor Gianni Rezza also reiterated, “will have to reach 60-70% of the population in order to obtain herd immunity. The idea to ensure the priority set for healthcare professionals and the elderly is to use Pfizer’s vaccine immediately with 3.4 million doses for 1.7 millions of people.
What if the first dose doesn’t work?
Among the indications of the Plan, also the verification of the effectiveness of the formula administered. According to what is established in Minister Speranza’s document, immunological tests will be carried out to see if the vaccine has worked. In order to do this, a sample test campaign will be launched which, weeks after the dose is administered, will verify its effectiveness. These will consist of serological tests for the detection of antibodies in blood: in the event of a negative result, a second vaccination must be carried out, with a different product. The idea is based on the arrival in time of different formulas from different companies. Each of these can be more or less effective depending on the population category to which it will be administered.
Where the doses will be distributed
am 300 the distribution points throughout Italy identified by the vaccination plan with the help of the Regions. The list obviously includes in primis hospitals, capable of storing and administering the vaccine, and then the Rsa also spread throughout the territories. Each hospital unit identified and recognized by the Plan as a distribution point must be able to vaccinate «at least 2000 people in fifteen days. “As for the Rsa, the vaccine should be administered through mobile units that should reach them in no more than 60 minutes from one of the closest hospitals. After the priority population bands phase, drive-in theater and other facilities will also be provided for expanded distribution.
How the transport will work
Pfizer vials will arrive in 300 points established within containers called “racks” by 975 dose. After arrival it will be necessary for all hospitals to be able to store the formula in suitable temperature conditions. This will be one of the most challenging parts of the distribution logistics plan: the Pfizer vaccine will need to be stored in -75 / -80 degrees in order to maintain its effectiveness. On the contrary, it will be able to withstand a higher temperature, +4 degrees, for only five days. The Regions have ensured that they are equipped with all the necessary technologies to guarantee the process of conserving the doses that will arrive. The afterlife will come to your aid 100 million of syringes for the purchase of which Commissioner Arcuri has launched a special tender in recent days, together with the 5 million of saline diluent ampoules, necessary to administer any type of anti-Covid vaccine.
The “vaccine passport” to travel
Another fundamental aspect of the Plan that will be presented in Parliament in a few days will be that relating to the registration of vaccines. As with swabs, it will be necessary to try to ensure follow-up of all the people who will receive the administration. To do this, we will have the help of a database, which is useful not only for tracking but also for monitoring possible adverse reactions. The registry will also be used to issue vaccination “passports” that may be required for travel both within the country and from one state to another.
Read also:
- Coronavirus, in the last week Italy first in Europe due to infections: “But the peak of the second wave could be overcome”
- Investigation stopped by Coronavirus. “The cancer vaccine, stopped for months, is now ready for human experimentation” – The interview
- Coronavirus, the first steps of the vaccine plan: 300 distribution points and 100 million syringes
- Coronavirus, Arcuri: “Towards mass vaccination in 2021, but for now without commitment.” And announces the ban on syringes and needles – The video
- Anti-Covid vaccine, here is the Arcuri distribution plan: first doses to hospitals and Rsa
- Anti Covid Vaccine, Forward Slowly: Because It Will Take At Least A Year To Administer It To All Italians At Risk – The Investigation
- Coronavirus, Arcuri: «Those who say that we are not prepared are not honest. The first vaccines will be inoculated in January “
- Piano Vaccini, the petition of the DateciVoce campaign: “Supporting a woman in Arcuri”