Fight in the Senate for the exit of the grillino Giovanni endrizzi in reference to the words spread in recent days by Nicola Morra about Jole Santelli. The senator of the 5 Star Movement defended the president of the Anti-Mafia Commission, unleashing the president’s anger Elisabetta casellati and the rest of the House.
The departure of Senator Endrizzi
“A citizen of Padua told me that a true politician can be seen in the courage to say what others are silentEndrizzi said. This was the last straw. Casellati’s response dried up: “We are talking about a person who has passed away, there is a code of ethics. Can’t tarnish the name of Jole santelli“.
Casellati was forced to interrupt the intervention of Endrizzi who, as mentioned, had returned, partially justifying them, to the sentences pronounced by Morra. Opposition protests. Among the ranks of the majority, Italia Viva left the Chamber where, let us remember, an intervention was being made on the agenda by the center-right announcing the abandonment of the anti-mafia commission following the words of Nicola Morra about Jole Santelli.
Renzian’s group of senators abandoned the works in protest, as explained by the president of the IV Senators, Davide faraone: “Indecent words are those uttered by Senator 5S for which an apology must come, and it is shameful that the Senate room is lending itself to a brawl over a recently deceased person, the day we remember the battle against violence against women.“. Still: “Our fond memory is for Jole Santelli and her family, our gesture serves to stigmatize this shameful scene of which we do not want to be part.Faraone concluded.
Let’s rewind the tape. The tension increased when the center-right – which announced at the beginning of the week the decision not to participate in the Antimafia meetings – again asked resignation of the president of the commission, during days in the center of the controversy by the words on the deceased president of the Region of Calabria.
Iv, Fi, Fdi and Lega leave the classroom
Minds were heated when President Elisabetta Casellati recalled Giovanni Endrizzi (M5s), who in his speech praised Santelli and criticized the opposition recalling the appointment as president of the Regional Council of Calabria of Domenico Tallini, declared unpresentable by the Antimafia. Casellati remembered Endrizzi for the first time but the grillino responded harshly: “She doesn’t listen to me or she was already prepared to challenge me, I said that Santelli was a high profile person.These words provoked Casellati’s reaction again: “Do not allow yourself otherwise, I send you out of the Chamber, have respect for the Presidency and the institutions“.
At that point Alive italy, with Forza Italia, FdI and Lega, he left the Assembly in protest against Endrizzi. Franco Mirabelli, leader of the Democratic Party in Antimafia, tried to restore calm: “The tone and content of some of Morra’s statements are incorrect. They were not suitable words for those who represent an institution. I believe that now, however, we must change the registry because delegitimizing, annulling, boycotting the commission, eliminating a decisive tool in the fight against organized crime, is insane.“.
An apology from Nicola Morra
Then came the sorry di Morra, increasingly in the eye of the storm. “I must apologize to all the people who, having experienced the suffering of a disease in their flesh, have felt in my words an offense to their condition. I have to apologize to them“said the president of the Antimafia.”In my political action I have always looked at the weakest, the most fragile, the one who suffers. I am from Calabria and I am ashamed of the condition of Calabrian healthcare.“he added.”Mine is a desperate cry for help to the institutions and also to my government, which I support, which is still struggling to identify a Calabrian health commissioner.“, then highlighted accusing who”he is exploiting the problem“.
The debate was closed again by President Casellati who wanted to remember Santelli as “a Great woman. We all bear witness to his courage and his testimony of service to Calabria, a land that he cared deeply about, that he loved with a clearly reciprocated love. With her Calabria – He concluded – has lost a reference and a guide also regarding the concept of legality“.