The other data improves: the new positives are 986, hospitalizations decrease and the percentage of suspected cases of contagion falls to 14.8%
FLORENCE – Unfortunately, the Covid epidemic continues to claim victims in Tuscany: today they are 67, a very high number, 33 men and 34 women with an average age of almost 83 years. Respectively 25 lived in the province of Florence, 4 in Prato, 3 in Pistoia, 7 in Massa Cararra, 4 in Lucca, 8 in Pisa, 5 in Livorno, 8 in Arezzo, 2 in Grosseto, one outside the region.
Some of these deaths have occurred in recent days and have only been included in the Region’s newsletter today. The total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic amounts to 2,378, distributed as follows among the different provinces: 872 in Florence, 148 in Prato, 181 in Pistoia, 276 in Massa Carrara, 237 in Lucca, 254 in Pisa, 150 in Livorno, 124 in Arezzo, 63 in Siena, 50 in Grosseto, 23 people died on Tuscan soil but were residents outside the region.
Tuscany’s crude death rate (number of deaths / resident population) for Covid-19 is 63.8 per 100,000 inhabitants, much remains to be done lower of the national figure 85.5×100,000. Regarding the provinces, the highest mortality rate is found in Massa Carrara
(141.6 x 100 000), Florence (86.2 x 100,000) e Pistoia (61.9 x 100 000), the less than Grosseto (22.6 x 100,000).
Everyone else about the progress of the epidemic draws a improvement: the new cases of Covid diagnosed in the last 24 hours are 986, of which 625 were identified in the course of tracking and 361 from detection activities of a total, since the beginning of the epidemic, of 97,976 infected. The average age of the cases is currently around 50 years and they have been identified by analyzing 14,843 tampons three thousand more than yesterday. The percentage of suspected cases that are truly positive after swab continues to decline: today it is 14.8% (yesterday it was 18.9%). The same occurs with the incidence of positives in the total daily swabs (including control swabs), which was reduced to 8.1. In addition to molecular swabs, 3,027 rapid antigenic swabs were also performed.
Cures are increasing at a rapid rate: today they are 2,345 healed and brings the total to 46,318. They represent 47.3% of all cases of infection.
With the healed and the deceased removed, those currently positive in Tuscany fall to 49,280 (On November 19, a week ago, it was 54,124). Of these, 2,040 are hospitalized (27 less than yesterday), of which 286 are in intensive care. The pressure on the hospital is less intense but still very high: it is enough to think that on November 19 there were 2,101 hospitalized patients of which 287 were admitted to intensive care, only one more than today).
Others 47,240 infected people I’m in isolate the house, with mild or asymptomatic symptoms (1,399 less than yesterday, on November 19 were 52,023). People in isolation and under health surveillance are also decreasing after contact with those infected, today they are 47,353 (2,257 less than yesterday, on November 19 were 50,138), distributed as follows: Asl Centro 16,570, Northwest 20,869, Southeast 9,914.
The following are the cases of positivity in the area with the change compared to yesterday:
– 27,640 cases in total to date in Florence (252 more than yesterday), 8,685 in Prato (107 more), 8,455 in Pistoia (107 more),
– 6,134 in Massa (54 more), 9,710 in Lucca (133 more), 13,370 in Pisa (91 more), 6,885 in Livorno (83 more),
– 9,078 in Arezzo (78 more), 4,020 in Siena (22 more), 3,444 in Grosseto (59 more).
There are, therefore, 466 cases found today in the ASL Center (sum of the provinces of Florence, Prato, Pistoia), 361 in the Northwest (Massa Carrara, Lucca, Pisa, Livorno), 159 in the Southeast (Arezzo, Siena, Grosseto). ).
Tuscany remains in seventh place in Italy in terms of the number of cases (including residents and non-residents), with approximately 2,627 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, therefore, above the Italian average of 2,411 x 100,000. The reporting provinces with the highest rate are Meadow with 3,370 cases x 100,000 inhabitants, Pisa with 3,191, Massa Carrara with 3,148; the one with the lowest rate is
Siena with 1,505.