Commissioner Agostino Miozzo in Calabria: the decision soon


Will the squaring of the circle arrive on the election of the new Calabrian health commissioner on the name of Agostino Miozzo? The coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee will decide the day. At the latest in the evening, you must communicate your decision to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The government asked him and he, Miozzo, is evaluating the proposal. Contacted by HuffPost by phone, he responds with the usual courtesy but does not dissolve the reservation: “No comment for now.”

Speaking on 24Mattino, he then assured his wife’s willingness to move to Catanzaro: “He terrified me by saying ‘don’t let me say I have something against Calabria’, so if she would agree” Miozzo ironically, referring to the Resignation of Eugenio Gaudio for personal reasons related to his wife’s opposition to the transfer to Calabria.

67-year-old doctor, originally from Camposampiero – just over twelve thousand inhabitants in the province of Padua – married with three children, behind a long experience in national cooperation in the world, since the end of January 2020 he was appointed coordinator of the CTS, which is to support the Government in the decisions to be taken to manage the epidemic.

Retirement came on October 1, “but – he explained to HuffPost – the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health asked me to continue coordinating the Committee until the end of the state of emergency (now set for January 31, 2021). ed) “. Now, however, Miozzo could go on to lead the commissioner structure in Calabria. In fact, both Pd and Cinque Stelle could converge on her name. Finding the agreement that jumped last night in a Council of Ministers described by those who were there as “on fire”, on the name of the director of ASL Roma 6, Narciso Mostarda. And putting an end to a controversy, that of the appointment of the Calabrian Health Commissioner, which began with the expulsion of Saverio Cotticelli and the resignation, closely following the appointment, of the other two commissioners appointed by the Government, Giuseppe Zuccatelli and Eugenio Gaudio. Last night, when the solution seemed within reach and the close agreement on the name of Mostarda, another black smoke. Today the target could arrive. About the name of Miozzo.
