Switzerland: attack in Lugano, plausible terrorist trail – World


The terrorist matrix of the attack of two women by a 28-year-old Swiss woman yesterday in Lugano on a department store in the Swiss city seems increasingly plausible. Swiss federal police Fedpol underlined, with a tweet, that “the perpetrator of the attack had already been involved in a 2017 police investigation related to jihadist terrorism, converted and then radicalized,” writes the Italian Radio and Television website. .

Now the woman is at the center of a criminal case initiated by the Federal Ministry of Public Affairs. According to the first reconstructions of the events, the 28-year-old Swiss, living in the area, attacked the two women yesterday shortly before 2:00 p.m. in the department stores: first she tried to strangle one, then hit the second in the neck with a knife. The woman was detained by a couple of clients and later arrested by the police. Neither of the two victims is in danger of death.