(ANSA) – LONDON, NOVEMBER 25 – The Period Products Bill is law in Scotland since yesterday, the first regulatory provision in the world that guarantees the free and universal supply to women of sanitary napkins and all basic products necessary during the period of menstruation. The initiative, formalized at the beginning of 2020 by the Scottish local government headed by the independence leader Nicola Sturgeon, received the final green light from the Parliament of Edinburgh yesterday, with the unanimous vote of both the secessionist majority of the Scottish National Party (Snp), and of the parties. British Unionists: From Conservatives to Labor, Liberal Democrats and Greens.
Sanitary napkins should be available both to local authorities and to heads of schools and educational institutions in the various counties in the northernmost territory of the United Kingdom. This is an absolute first among the nations of the United Kingdom as well as the rest of the planet, as several activists of women’s organizations point out in today’s comments in the media. “This campaign was supported by a great coalition of unions, women’s organizations and charities,” said Monica Lennon, a local MP who was one of the promoters of the law, among others. “It is a signal to the world that free universal access to menstruation products can be guaranteed,” he concluded. (HANDLE).