The list of 300 distribution points, after the initial delay, was sent from all regions to Emergency Commissioner Domenico Arcuri. Unlike other vaccines, whose purchase is made at the regional level, for anti-Covid the purchase will be centralized and managed by the state.
by Andrea Gagliardi
The list of 300 distribution points, after the initial delay, was sent from all regions to Emergency Commissioner Domenico Arcuri. Unlike other vaccines, whose purchase is made at the regional level, for anti-Covid the purchase will be centralized and managed by the state.
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Italy prepares for the great vaccination campaign against the SarsCov2 virus. The vaccination plan will be officially presented in Parliament by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, on December 2. But some elements are already known. There will be 300 points throughout the country where the first 3.4 million doses of Pfizer’s vaccine will be distributed, which from the end of January should allow 1.7 million Italians to be vaccinated. After the initial delays, the list was finally sent from all regions to the Emergency Commissioner Domenico Arcuri at this time and includes both hospitals capable of storing and administering the vaccine and RSAs, which will be served through the units. piece of furniture.
300 distribution points
In the letter sent to the Regions with which Commissioner Arcuri asked the presidents to provide the list of facilities suitable for distribution and administration, the Commissioner indicates that it could be contemplated in this first phase to administer the vaccine directly in hospitals and, through of mobile units, in homes for the elderly. Pfizer will deliver the vaccine to the 300 points identified “to ensure its integrity.” Each identified hospital unit, the letter continues, “must be able to vaccinate at least 2,000 people (or more people but with multiples of a thousand) in 15 days.”
The goal is the vaccination of 60-70% of Italians.
For the remaining incoming vaccines destined for all other categories of citizens, it is still stated in Arcuri’s letter to the Regions, “different methods of administration will be provided, in line with ordinary vaccination management, through a large campaign. scale “using also by car or, but they are still hypotheses, also sports halls, fairs and gyms,” starting with people with a high degree of fragility. With a warning reiterated by Gianni Rezza, Director of Prevention at the Ministry of Health: “To have herd immunity, at least 60-70% of Italians must be vaccinated.” In practice, more than 40 million people.
Categories at risk
These are the premises of the Italian plan that is emerging these days and that, according to the technicians of the Ministry of Health, will be inspired by German. Minister Roberto Speranza intends to present it in the coming days in Parliament where, among other things, the “mandatory” issue of the vaccine will be discussed – it seems to point to a “recommendation” – as well as the categories that will have priority: that of vaccinating health workers first and then the elderly (especially in the RSA) and law enforcement agencies.
Hope: the purchase of vaccines will be centralized
Unlike other vaccines, whose purchase is made at the regional level, for anti-Covid “the purchase will be centralized and managed by the state.” This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, explaining that numerous contracts have been signed “and others will be signed soon. As Italy – announced – we will have 13.65% of the vaccines already optional in Europe “