Published on: 11/25/2020 6:47 AM
New Dpcm, rules for Christmas in times of Covid, movements between regions. Red zone, orange zone, yellow zone, how will the image change? And then the school with the hypothesis of reopening on December 9. The current Dpcm will expire on December 3 and the government is working on new measures. To make it clear is the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. “We will evaluate the data to the last – Speranza told ‘diMartedì’ in La7 – There are still many days left until the decree still in force expires, so we would like to see and understand how much we can still bend the curve with the measures adopted so far, but we will continue with the principle of proportionality “of the restrictive measures.
“We have chosen in this second wave not to make a generalized blockade the same in all territories, but to distinguish area by area, and understand where to make tougher interventions when the situation is more difficult. I believe that this is the correct method and we want to insist on this way “, stressed the Minister of Health, warning:” Oh, to change the first signs that go in the right direction for a narrow exit. “
To Giovanni Floris who asked about possible movements between the region and the region during the Christmas holidays, Speranza responded by reiterating that “Movements that are not strictly necessary should be avoided.We need to minimize relationships with other people when they are not essential and we must stay home whenever possible. ”“ We will see the epidemiological evolution of the coming weeks, ”he added.
Will there be a maximum number of people at the table at Christmas dinners? “We will have to limit ourselves to the closest affections – said the Minister of Health – We will evaluate the numbers and discuss them in the next few hours.“. Today there will be “a meeting about this too -he explained- In Germany they chose the number 10, but, net of the unique number, the message is to reduce all the unnecessary occasions in which the contagion can spread ”.
The numbers of new infections and especially “the most dramatic number of people who lose their lives”, with another 853 victims registered yesterday, “are the numbers of an epidemic still very present in our country.” “But it must be said that for a few weeks we have seen a signal that is going in the right direction, the RT is falling, two weeks ago it was 1.7, then 1.4 now it is 1.2 and it is falling: this means that the The measures we have adopted are beginning to take effect. ”For this reason, the minister continued,“ we must continue to insist on this path because the curve is foldable and we are bending it little by little, but we must insist with the utmost caution ”.
Another problem, the request to open the ski resorts by the Alpine Regions. I understand that behind every economic and social field, as well as that of “snow tourism”, there are families and people who work and deserve the greatest respect, but the point is not only the ski slope, the point is to avoid many aggregations that they can be developed and the many transfers of people who go on vacation to those places ”, Speranza highlighted in ‘diMartedi’.
“You have to be very careful – he warned – and remember what happened this summer, when many in our country thought that the battle was won, they lowered their guard, and today we find ourselves with a difficult situation to face. Drive. So be careful – the minister reiterated – let’s not repeat the mistakes made in the summer. We must keep the level of attention high “.
Yesterday Austria said it was against Italy’s proposal to close ski resorts at the European level during the end of the year holidays to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Another issue is the reopening of schools, with face-to-face teaching, which will be one of the points that will be discussed today in the meeting between Prime Minister Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority forces. The most accredited hypothesis, explain government sources, is that on the X day, to reopen the closed secondary schools throughout Italy, but also the second and third intermediate schools in the Orange Regions, both December 9, or the Wednesday following the Immaculate Conception. On Monday, it was the premier himself, Otto e mezzo’s guest on La7, who explained that the government was working to reopen schools in December. The new data expected for Friday will also be decisive. Above all, it would be M5S, with Minister Lucia Azzolina at the helm, and Iv would press for a quick return to the bench.
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