Giuseppe Conte tested negative for Covid. This is the news that has leaked from the Palazzo Chigi after the concern raised by the conditions of the prime minister, who gives Lilli gruber a Half past eight it looked a bit sick. In particular, Conte’s constant coughing did not go unnoticed, but it has nothing to do with the virus: “It was caused by suffering in the vocal cords”They report from Palazzo Chigi. Thus confirming the version of Gruber, who the day after the face to face on television with the premier spoke to the microphones of A day of the sheep on Rai Radio1. “I had irritated and tired vocal cords – revealed the La7 journalist – so from time to time a letter, but let’s not say nonsense about the coronavirus. I was not afraid at all and Conte certainly would not put the health of others at risk. ” In addition, Gruber said that behind the scenes he gave advice to the premier regarding his problem: “I had it with the vocal cords, because those who use their voice a lot, and those who have these problems should do a minimum of training.” exercises with the vocal cords. So I suggested that he take a deep breath, open wide, raise his solar plexus and all that stuff. And he told me I should do it. ”