
Everybody schools currently closed and reopened since December 9? This is the hypothesis on which sources of governmentWe are thinking in these hours. The reopening of schools, with face-to-face teaching, will be one of the topics that will be discussed tomorrow in the meeting between the premier Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of majority forces. And probably not by chance just for tomorrow the Minister of Education, Lucia azzolina, has called a meeting with the mayors of the metropolitan cities, which alone represent a third of the Italian population, more than 21 million inhabitants.
Red zone Bolzano, orange zones confirmed for Basilicata, Liguria and Umbria
The most popular hypothesis is that on day X, to reopen the high school closed throughout Italy, but also the second and third average in the Orange regions, both on December 9 and the Wednesday following the bridgeImmaculate. It was the same yesterday Prime Minister, guest of Otto e mezzo on La7, to explain that the government was working to reopen schools in December. The new data expected for Friday will also be decisive. Above all, it would be M5S, with Minister Lucia Azzolina at the helm, and Iv to press for a quick return to the bench.

The meeting with Azzolina
“Working as a team “for the reopening of schools, keeping open those that, despite the pandemic, have continued to work in the presence, would in fact be the objective of the meeting with the first citizens called by Azzolina. The resumption of activities in the presence of schools In general, with attention to how to get back to class and how to keep the school open as much as possible will be the focus of the meeting.
Confirmation of hope
“We will do everything possible to reopen the schools in December, we must see the epidemiological picture, evaluating it day by day. Schools are and will continue to be one of the government’s top priorities, ”the Health Minister later underlined. Roberto Speranza speaking on the La7 broadcast directed by Floris, Di martedi. «Valuations in this sense are expected – Speranza concluded – in the coming days».
Last updated: 21:02