Lilli gruber Empty the bag on the topic of the day: the prime minister’s cough. The presenter of Half past eight, whom he interviewed yesterday, Monday, November 23 Giuseppe Conte, today participated in the broadcast of Rai Radio1 A day of the sheep, where he told the episode with the premiere from his point of view.
An episode that registered excellent ratings. “Yesterday great performance and great success. Conte I found it very determined, a little tired even with a little low voice. But it is absolutely normal for a man who has put work at the center of his life, I would like not to see who would not be tired … ”, Gruber explained to Rai Radio1. The voice of the premier, and in particular some coughs, unleashed social networks … “I had irritated and fatigued vocal cords, so I would cough from time to time, but it is not, as I read, that perhaps I have the coronavirus.”. Let’s not talk nonsense, I wasn’t scared at all, and I certainly wouldn’t put the health of others at risk, ”he interrupted.
Did he ask you all the questions he had prepared? “All of them, yes. I would like to say that Giuseppe Conte never ask questions beforeIt is a sign of respect for our work and also of great self-confidence ”. On social media, many have claimed that Conte read on his cell phone before answering him. Another nonsense. I didn’t even have a cell phone, I just had paper to take notes, and that’s it.“It seemed to some that the Prime Minister did not like your question about Mario Draghi very much. What impression did you have?” I think he understood and even answered. “Some doubts, however, about the fact that he did not read the answers : It is indisputable that he did not have a mobile phone, but then why look here if he was not taking notes? Since he did not have the lineup of questions, there remains the tangible suspicion that he had notes, determining to go out (or grope to do it ) of conflictive situations.
Half past eight it was way beyond the usual airtime. “With the director of the chain we thought it was worth stretching ourselves since Conte was the last time in a TV studio, also with us, about 10 months ago.” With the cameras off, did you chat before or after the interview? “Afterwards. The prime minister is an extremely kind, polite and personable person. At one point he confessed that being overloaded with work commitments he can’t even follow his favorite team, As Roma, of which he is a huge fan“What did you say about it?” Let’s say that the conversation about Rome was mainly carried out by my editor-in-chief, who is a big fan, and the rest of the editorial staff. “
The journalist, a A day of the sheepThen he added a detail about that talk: “I had problems with the vocal cords, like those who use their voice a lot, and those who have these problems should do a minimum of training, exercises with the vocal cords.” So you advised Conte to do exercises to warm up the vocal cords? “Yes, exactly, because of the breath and the vocal cords. So I suggested that he take a deep breath, open wide, raise the solar plexus and all these. And he told me I should do it … “