The Campania region aims to immediately vaccinate 130,000 health workers and the elderly by the end of January. And it wants to do it directly in the hospitals, one or two identified by province, where doctors and nurses work, setting up anti-Covid stands and outdoor campers, as for school screening, and sending special teams to the rsa and accommodation houses that they host. the most fragile. The plan, which indicates the initial needs and procedures, is on the table of the extraordinary commissioner for the Coronavirus emergency, Domenico Arcuri. And, in the document sent after a detailed reconnaissance work that has committed the directors and staff of Palazzo Santa Lucia throughout the weekend until last night, the logistics for the storage and distribution of the new drug are also specified. Administer within 15 days.
We start from these data: the 3.4 million doses of Pfizer, which will arrive at the end of January, allow 1.7 million Italians to undergo prophylaxis, of which 130 thousand in Campania, because everyone is expected to do a retirement. According to the request of Palazzo Santa Lucia, formulated based on ministerial instructions, divided as follows: 42 thousand are professionals and operators who work in public establishments, another 35 thousand in nursing homes and affiliated clinics and private clinics. Plus free-choice family doctors and pediatricians, professionals who guarantee continuity of care, technicians: some 80,000, those most exposed to the risk of getting sick and already hit hard by the pandemic, precisely because they are called to ensure that the stability of the system.
The remaining doses are, instead, destined for the most fragile elderly, who live in the rsa, nursing homes and in paid accommodation, for the outbreaks that occurred from north to south in the peninsula already during the first and the first. Second wave.
So far the figures. The most complex task, obviously, consists of providing safe routes for the prevention campaign, bearing in mind that the drug must be transported and stored at minus 80 degrees, without interrupting the cold chain.
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“Two large refrigerators are available in Battipaglia and Portici, in the Southern Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute, in addition to those already supplied in hospitals, where the distribution of doses is also planned,” explains Ugo Trama, director of Tutela, salute and coordination of the regional health system.
In fact, there are two methods of administration decided in Campania.: for health workers, within the same structures, one or two identified in each province. 70% of the stocks are destined for Naples and the main reference continues to be the Hospital del Mar, with a second pole in addition, if necessary, given the concentration of studies and medical centers and the greater number of operators present, of the Polyclinics . to Cardarelli. In Salerno, the focus is on Ruggi d’Aragona and, considering the distance from the capital, the Vallo della Lucania garrison is an option, in Caserta there is Sant’Anna and San Sebastiano, in Sannio the hospital of Benevento, in Irpinia the Moscati di Avellino. For RSA guests and lodging houses, unable to move or in any case with difficulties due to disability and age, special teams are sent to the facilities, at the same time vaccinating health workers on site. It is possible, but not yet decided, that the Usca, the special home care units, are involved.
It remains to be clarified if those who have recovered from Covid can or where to get vaccinated. For all, adherence to prophylaxis is currently voluntary. But, “if we understand that coverage of 90-95 percent is needed to obtain herd immunity, without which we would find ourselves faced with the need to block productivity and mobility in the country, it could be due to force majeure, also evaluate the obligation ”: this is the hypothesis put forward by Walter Ricciardi, Professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University and consultant to the Ministry of Health, during the Agorà, in Rai 3, which triggers immediate reactions.
Last but not least, the question of time. “Once the doses are received, the operation must be completed in fifteen days,” explains Trama, and highlights that “we are working on other aspects of the plan to be prepared. Also in this case it is necessary to respect the distancing and anti-contagion measures ». Finally, the executive of the Palazzo Santa Lucia rejects the accusations about the hooks in the prevention campaign against seasonal flu. In Ischia the doses were delivered the same day, the case has already been solved: something can be escaped, but we must remember that Campania was one of the first regions to leave, so much so that the others contacted us, from Molise to Lombardia, to have more doses. Abruzzo has just asked us for 20 thousand. And there we are talking about a coverage of 30 percent, while here we aim to exceed the 75 percent achieved last year.
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