Bologna, November 24, 2020 – Slightly increases the contagion in Emilia romagna, but low the percentage of new positives from 20.3% yesterday Alabama 12.7% noted in today’s newsletter. But the bad news linked to the spread of Coronavirus is once again that of dead recorded in the last 24 hours: 55.
Of the more than 19,600 swabs made, 2,501 (yesterday 2,347) are the new positives of Emilia Romagna, of which 1,114 asymptomatic of regional selection and contact tracing. THE healed there are 479. 95.8% of active cases are isolated at home, with mild symptoms.
Patients admitted to intensive care there are 243 (-5 compared to yesterday), 2,723 in other Covid departments (-fifteen).
The situation of infections in the provinces of Emilia Romagna sees Modena with 547 new cases and Reggio emilia with 360, to continue Bologna (273).
Viruses in Emilia Romagna: updated data on infections
Since the beginning of the epidemic, they have been registered in Emilia Romagna. 110,571 cases of positivity, 2,501 more than yesterday, out of a total of 19,602 swabs made in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the quantity of manufactured tampons is today 12.7%, up from 20.3% yesterday.
Of the newly infected, 1,114 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities: 558 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 82 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 22 with serological detection , 9 through pre-admission tests. The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 443 cases.
Overall, 380 of the new positives were already isolated at the time of swab execution and 592 were identified in sprouts It is already known.
Average age one of today’s new positives is 45.3 years.
55 deaths in Emilia Romagna recorded in the latest report: there is also a minor
Sonio 55 new deaths: 12 in the province of Modena (two men, 77 and 97 years old, plus a minor with important multiple associated pathologies; 9 women respectively of 71, 82, 86 years, two of 89, and the remaining of 90, 94, 95 and 100 years), 11 in that of Ravenna (7 men of 73, 76, 79 years old, two of 86, one of 87 and one of 89; 4 women of 76, 80, 87 and 93 years old), 8 in the Reggio emilia (3 men of 86, 88 and 91 years old and 5 women of 79, 86, 90, 91 and 100 years old); 8 in the province of Piacenza (4 men of 69, 72, 82 and 89 respectively, and 4 women of 67, 81, 88 and 99); 6 in the of Rimini (2 men of 81 and 91 years old and 4 women, one of 75, two of 93 and one of 95), 3 in that of Bologna (all men, respectively 92, 96, 97 years), 3 in that of Ferrara (two men 65 and 83 years old and a woman 81 years old), 2 in that of Parma (both men 79 and 85 years old), 2 in Forlì-Cesena (a man of 94 and a woman of 69, both in Cesena).
Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, deaths have been total in Emilia-Romagna 5,439.
The map of the infection, how many are the symptoms in each province
These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 11,610 a Piacenza (+263 compared to yesterday, of which 92 symptomatic), 9,470 to Parma (+239, of which 167 symptomatic), 16,077 to Reggio emilia (+360, of which 247 symptomatic), 20,178 to Modena (+547, of which 324 symptomatic), 21,665 to Bologna (+273, of which 148 symptomatic), 2,864 cases a Imola (+67, of which 16 symptomatic), 5,364 to Ferrara (+169, of which 22 symptomatic), 6,925 to Ravenna (+173, of which 110 symptomatic), 4,116 to Forlì (+116, of which 83 symptomatic), 3,435 to Cesena (+80, of which 61 symptomatic) and 8,867 to Rimii (+214, of which 117 symptomatic).
Swabs and serological tests
In the last 24 hours, 19,602 swabs were made, for a total of 2,021,756. In addition, there are also 2,756 serological tests.
Intensive care, other hospitalized and recovered Covid
Patients admitted to intensive care son243 (-5 compared to yesterday), 2,723 in other Covid departments (-15).
In the area, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 12 in Piacenza (-1 compared to yesterday), 12 in Parma (-1 compared to yesterday), 30 in Reggio Emilia (number without changes since yesterday), 64 in Modena (no change), 57 in Bologna (-1), 5 in Imola (+1), 18 in Ferrara (-1), 12 in Ravenna (-3), 6 in Forlì (data no change), 1 in Cesena (no change) and 26 in Rimini (+1).
People as a whole heal rise to 33,788 (+479 compared to yesterday).
How many cases are active in the region
Active cases, that is, the number of actual patients, to date are 71,344 (1,967 more than yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, add up to a total of 68,378 (+1,987 compared to yesterday), 95.8% of all active cases.
Coronavirus in Emilia Romagna: graphs and tables
Covid intensive care in Emilia Romagna and Marche: data and graphs
How is Bonaccini
Twenty days after Covid positivity, Stefano bonaccini Yesterday he returned, via streaming, to the Viale Aldo Moro command post. On the occasion of the presentation of the budget for 2021/2023, Bonaccini participated in the discussion without any particular signs of the disease, so the filter of a screen can at least let filter. “I am definitely better – his words -. I can say that from today I start again, with caution, although I still wait two weeks of treatment from pneumonia. The fact that they have turned me negative is already very good ”.
Bonaccini also spoke on the sidelines of Christmas at the gates and the hypothesis of a relaxation of the restrictions: “I do not know. I am not a clairvoyant, I am not Otelma.Rt index to try to have a little less restrictions on holidays – so says the governor -. The important thing will be to avoid a ‘free all’ as happened in the summer behavior, to avoid the risk of a third wave ”.
Coronavirus Italy, data and table
Italy passed the threshold of 50 thousand deaths (50,453) related to coronavirus, an increase of 630 compared to the previous day. Another 22,930 Covid cases detected across the country in 24 hours, roughly 5,400 less than the day before. The proportion of positive cases to swabs (148,945 yesterday) is 15.3%, in line with the previous days.
The current positives finally drop in yesterday’s bulletin: 796,849, 9,098 less than on November 22, when they were 805,947. Good news also from the admissions in the units of intensive care, with 9 in the last 24 hours compared to 43 the day before, for a total of 3,810. On the other hand, hospitalizations in other Covid wards of hospitals are on the rise: 34,697 people, an increase compared to 418, almost double that of Sunday (+216).
In the afternoon the new newsletter of the Ministry of Health with me Covid data updated and the table with the numbers for all regions. As soon as they are available, we will inform them in this article.
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