“At Christmas we will not repeat Ferragosto”: between one cough and another Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte yesterday in Otto e Mezzo in Lilli Gruber was categorical about the holidays in the snow and the white week that suddenly have become the theme of the the day after the requests of the Conference of the Regions for the reopening of the ski facilities as soon as possible. But surprisingly, there is also the yes to family reunification. But only under certain conditions. While the CTS preaches attention.
The rules of Europe and Conte for Christmas 2020
Under the first snowfalls, Italians will find a Dpcm first in December (on December 4, probably) that will replace the one that expires and will be more open – at curfew, for example – without prejudice to the division in colors according to risk for the Regions. Instead, the Christmas period will require an ad hoc Dpcm and probably more restrictive measures than the work periods. But the novelty is that the tightening of the holidays will be European and therefore probably much more effective: the EU in early December should dictate common guidelines for the season on Europe’s ski slopes and for Christmas. The Brussels document is scheduled for December 2, he writes today. The messenger, and it will be a protocol that France and Germany are also working on today. It will be a recommendation and will indicate to the EU member states the general guidelines on movements during the holidays.
Conte explained to Otto e Mezzo the reason for the need to wait in Brussels: “The problem of ski resorts is necessarily a European problem: if Italians go skiing to France or Austria, they could come back and infect them. Shopping is different”. . What will happen to tourists who have already booked hotels in the main ski resorts? Everything is yet to be decided. While the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia maintained the point: “Our technicians have prepared a document with the requirements that if adopted and followed carefully can allow the regular start of the ski season. Now we will present our guidelines to the CTS.”
But the government still prepares a plan in the new Dpcm: “At Christmas there will be limitations to socialize opportunities in general, it will be a different Christmas. There will be times, as far as purchases are concerned. The government’s orientation is to reduce sociability, but to guarantee the tradition that is very dear to me of the exchange of gifts, therefore shopping. We want to make the economy work “, he concluded. Then opening a central theme: the government is working” to move between regions at Christmas, but if we continue so at the end of the month we will no longer have red zones. However, the Christmas period requires ad hoc measures. “Which ones?
The Civil Protection bulletin reported yesterday 630 deaths and 22,930 infected and with yesterday’s figures Italy has exceeded 50 thousand deaths. Therefore, the first item on the agenda is movement between regions: the day before yesterday, Health Minister Roberto Speranza announced that it will probably only be possible to move between the yellow areas while the current restrictions must remain in the orange and red areas.
A 2020 Natale in soft lockdown
And that is why the government’s line is to avoid favoring the third wave. “The system allows us to intervene in a limited way, without measures that end up penalizing territories that do not deserve it and without imposing unjustified economic sacrifices,” explained Palazzo Chigi sources cited by the Agi news agency, “the government is fully aware of what to face the Christmas season without further precautions would be irresponsible. ”Therefore, the 2020 Christmas in soft lockdown will be presented with:
- no bingo, celebrations, dances and dinners;
- curfew exemption for Christmas Eve only;
- family members can only be contacted in areas that are not at risk;
- Dinner and party will only be with close family members.
Meanwhile, schools remain in the balance. Minister Lucía Azzolina, together with her government colleague Alfonso Bonafede, is promoting the reopening, as recommended by the Scientific Technical Committee, which fears “serious harm to children”. But not all regions appear to be prepared to return to institutional normality. As of Wednesday, however, the gates of kindergartens and the first primary schools will be open in Campania, as well as in Calabria where the TAR suspended the regional ordinance with which the Acting President of the Region, Nino Spirlì, had ordered, from November 16 to 28, the suspension of teaching also in kindergarten, primary and secondary school. However, mayors’ ordinances remain in force and, therefore, in many municipalities (such as Catanzaro or Pomigliano d’Arco) teaching will continue to be suspended, pending further improvements in the contagion curve. Meanwhile, Agostino Miozzo, coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee, recommends caution to Radio Uno’s microphones: “ The Christmas holidays will be a desirable moment of serenity but it is still a risky encounter, we must be aware of it, the virus does not identity matters. family”. “If we want to replicate what we did this summer in the logic of ‘everything for free,” added Miozzo, “we can be sure that in mid / late January we will be in the middle of the third wave of the pandemic.”
The rules about sitting at the table and the yes to family reunification in each area
A novelty announces the Corriere della Sera and it refers to the yes to family reunification: in the new Dpcm, December 4, the possibility of inserting a rule that allows family reunification for everyone, or even for those who are in the red or orange zones, is evaluated; however, it will only affect close relatives, that is, parents and children, spouses, domestic partners, even if they are not domiciled together, without allowing, however, to reunite entire families. With this in mind, for the orange or red regions, any exceptions with a view to Christmas will be decided precisely to allow people to return home, even if it is not technically home.
News also on the table seats: when it comes to houses, however, it is not possible to insert prohibitions in government measures, the government can limit itself to simple recommendations. Therefore, we will suggest the organization of lunches and dinners only with close relatives, and with a maximum number of people: now there are six, it is not excluded that for the holidays it can be increased to at least eight as long as there is enough space to guarantee the spacing . An extension of the opening hours of the stores would inevitably lead to a postponement of the curfew until 11 pm or even until midnight. Certainly, it will be possible to circulate beyond midnight on Christmas night, also to allow participation in religious services. It will be up to the Council of Ministers to establish the maximum return time.
By Republic The government’s idea is to provide for a reinforced yellow zone and the new Dpcm could be launched at the end of the week to illustrate it to the Chambers on December 2. Stores can reopen simply by switching from the yellow zone to the orange zone. For restaurants, however, the restrictions may remain (and among them the most important is the closing at 18). As for movements between regions, traveling south during the holidays is scary. There will be an explicit ban between all regions, even the yellow ones.