Now that the first three candidate vaccines that Italy has also chosen are in the pipeline and that we are beginning to study what the vaccination plan could be, the debate has arisen about whether to do it or not the mandatory anti-Covid vaccine for the entire population or at least for some categories.
The institutional front towards recommendation
There is no guide to the vaccine requirement, but we recommend it, the prime minister said. Giuseppe Conte, in La7. And the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, its Raitre explained: I think that with persuasion and with a real campaign we can achieve herd immunity without the obligation, but it is clear that we must achieve it, so we will evaluate it in terms of work. Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the Minister of Health for the coronavirus emergency, did not exclude it in case of need for public order and clarified to Raitre: For now, I have also advised taking the path of volunteering for adults. It is clear that, if at a certain moment we understand that 90-95% is needed to achieve herd immunity and we cannot do it by way of persuasion, the need for an obligation may arise for reasons of force majeure: that is not It completely blocks the economy and mobility.
Another species jump is likely without compromise
Sergio Abrignani
, immunologist, professor of General Pathology at the Milan State University, strongly in favor of the obligation for the entire population for public health reasons and speaking with Corriere Salute sheds light on a neglected aspect of the coronavirus: all coronaviruses have the “vice” of making the leap of species: man not the final host. With minks in Denmark, we take a big risk: Perhaps public opinion did not realize, but for a few weeks we were shocked and that the virus had mutated and transmitted to humans with characteristics that would have put all the vaccines under test at risk. In fact, we we should make a vaccine against all coronaviruses a “pan coronavirus”Because they all have these characteristics: in 18 years they have made the leap of species on three occasions, it does not bode well. Another jump in species is likely in the next decade: if we are lucky it will be like MERS, if we are unlucky it will be another Covid and if we are very unlucky it will be even worse. I mean, we can’t risk such a thing. When polio occurred, the vaccine was mandatory, Abrignani concludes.
Start with a recommendation and wait for the data
I would try not to put the obligation and see what happens in terms of membership. Starting with an obligation seems like a bad message to me – argues Paolo Bonanni, epidemiologist and professor of Hygiene at the University of Florence consulted by Corriere -. And if you see that there is a significant portion of people who refuse for useless or unreasonable reasons, a possible vaccination obligation can be discussed in a second phasebut it seems to me that the landscape is still fluid and unexplored enough to attempt a recommendation.
The political election will undoubtedly be a recommendation, because the best in terms of the doctor-patient alliance – declared al Corriere Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist, general director of the Galeazzi Institute in Milan -. The imperative from the point of view of efficient public health, but I realize that the current climate is not easy, it creates divisions, Only now have we resolved the issues related to Lorenzin’s law on childhood vaccination, also because it is important to obtain the result quickly, because the faster it is obtained, the more economic and social benefits there are.
Obligation requires a law
Will the Covid vaccine be mandatory? It can be assumed for health personnel, but not for all, since the obligation is a delicate mechanism, reserved only for extreme cases and requires state lawsaid the Director General of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa), Nicola Magrini, live on Facebook.
I think it should be mandatory for risk categories, who works in hospitals and in contact with the sick, echoes him Roberto Tobia, national secretary of Federfarma.
There is no place where a vaccine that goes through an expedited process becomes mandatory. We would take on gigantic responsibilities, he argued in Sky. Andrea Crisanti, director of the microbiology laboratory at the University of Padua.
It could be like polio
From another opinion Luca pani, former director of the General Medicines Agency, who in Focus Live says: Without a doubt the vaccine should be mandatory. It should be given first to the most fragile people, teachers and health personnel. What are we waiting for, besides a global pandemic? that has brought health and the economy to its knees, to understand that there is a risk-benefit relationship for which we must consider forcing everyone to be vaccinated, with political options. If promises are kept and we all get vaccinated, Covid-19 will soon have done so the end of polio. But we all have to get vaccinated, he clarified. Roberto Burioni, immunologist, professor at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan.
November 24, 2020 (change November 24, 2020 | 12:45 pm)