Covid, speaks the doctor who discovered the first victim: his outburst


Jacopo Monticelli, the doctor who discovered the first victim of the coronavirus in Italy, recounts the moments lived and lets himself go to a vent

The doctor who diagnosed Covid-19 in the first victim in Italy spoke of the last moments lived 18th of February when he addressed the case of the Trevisan patient. Jacopo Monticelli, the infectious diseases consultant at the Madre Teresa de Calcutta hospital in Schiavonia (Padua), broke the silence in an interview with La Stampa with a hard ventilation: for him the debate about the Christmas holidays is “lunar”.

The Trevisan case: the doctor remembers the first victim of February 18

With respect to February 18, he said he had received “ua medical history similar to others: suspected influenza pneumonia on peak days. But microbiological tests “did not give” confirmation. Antibiotic therapy “was not enough and he decided to” try again. “

“We couldn’t understand what he had, Adriano Trevisan, a 78-year-old retiree, ”added Monticelli. Then the daughter also told about the hospitalization of a friend of hers, “one who used to play trump with him” with “the same symptoms, the same breathing difficulties: that’s when I began to understand and I was afraid ”.

The fears, the doctor revealed, was that the virus was already circulating “among us. Rather, I was already inside the hospital. The swab was just a confirmation. All of Trevisan’s friends, the gentlemen who played cards together at the bar, were infected and had the same symptoms: cough, fever and diarrhea. The evolution of the disease was very fast, suddenly they got worse. As if someone had pressed a button ”.

That period was “intense,” Monticelli recalled. “I had to make an epidemiological evaluation of all the patients who were hospitalized: only on March 27 I will have made 70 visits. But the Venetian health system resisted ”.

The outbreak of Monticelli: the debate on the holidays is “lunar”

Regarding the debate around the measures planned for the vacation season, Monticelli was carried away by a spiel: “Seen from someone who lives in a Covid neighborhood, it seems lunar. Let’s put it this way: I know for sure that my vacation will be very bad. It seems to me that I speak of a parallel world that of politics. the vaccine? It is the only realistic way out of this pandemic. Or you have to believe in herd immunity. But at what cost in terms of human lives? ”.

VIRGILIO NEWS | 23-11-2020 10:51

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Photo Source: Ansa

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