More than 66 thousand Covid-19 infections at work. This is what emerges from the tenth national report prepared by the Inail Statistical Actuarial Consultancy, published on November 23. The coronavirus infections that occurred in the workplace on October 31 affected precisely 66,781 people, which is equivalent to 15.8% of the total complaints received by the Institute since the beginning of the year and 9.8% of the national infected communicated . by the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) on the same date.
The health sector is the most affected
Covid infections at work mainly affected the health and social care sector, which includes hospitals, nursing homes and retirement homes, institutes, university clinics and polyclinics, residences for the elderly and disabled, with 69.8% of the reports and 21.6% of fatal cases coded. Inail explains that the health sector precedes the public administration (activities of the bodies responsible for health – Asl – and regional, provincial and municipal administrators), which includes 8.7% of reported infections and 10.2% of deaths. The other sectors most affected are business support services (surveillance, cleaning and call centers), manufacturing (including those involved in the processing of chemical and pharmaceutical products, press, food industry), accommodation and restaurant services. and wholesale.
12,000 complaints in October
As the report emphasizes, the analysis of complaints by month of occurrence reveals that the peak of infections in the months of March and April (where almost 70% of cases are concentrated), followed a reduction in May and especially in the summer months of June-August (less than a thousand cases per month, also in consideration of vacations for many categories of workers). In September, a resurgence of complaints began, reaching almost 1,700 cases, to reach the month of October in which the “second wave” of infections also had a significant impact in the workplace, raising the new to 12 thousand reported infection by Covid-19 of professional origin, a figure that is set to rise in the next survey due to the particularly influential consolidation in the last month of the series.
332 fatal cases
There are 332 fatal cases due to Covid at work, therefore 13 more than the follow-up prior to September 30 (four deaths occurred in October, the rest refer to previous months due to data consolidation) and are equivalent to approximately one third of all deaths reported to Inail since the beginning of the year, with an incidence of 0.9% compared to the fatal cases of Covid-19 reported by the ISS.