“Let’s not lose the sense of community. Many Italians will no longer be there next Christmas, but we must not lose the sense of community, which came out in the first wave and which also allowed us to show that the country has a very strong reaction capacity. “The Minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco bowl, on Vita Live on RaiUno, talks about the pain and sacrifices Italians face in these months of pandemic. And he talks about Christmas and skiing, two themes that animate the country these days. “With 600-700 dead a day, talking about dinner is out of place, I say it very clearly. Christmas and New Year’s Eve is even more out of place ”, adds from Barletta, on the occasion of the inspection of the field hospital that the Navy set up.
It is still very uncertain to say what will happen after December 3 given the pressure on the government regarding the reopening of the ski slopes and restaurants, and with the arrival of the holidays. The deputy secretary PD does not agree with the request of the alpine regions to reopen the ski resorts Andrea Orlando: “Those who proposed the reopening of the ski slopes knew very well that it was inadmissible. A depressing party game continues to wink at the incomprehensible malaise of some categories. This is not federalism, it is irresponsible demagogy,” he writes on Twitter.
And always in the social network the head of the delegation of the Democratic Party in the government and Minister of Culture Darius Franceschini repeats the words of his colleague Boccia: “Many Italians will not be at Christmas. With 600 deaths a day it is out of place to talk about dinners”.
Boccia observes that “at the moment there are no conditions to open ski lifts”, and says it after the Alpine Regions delivered today the guidelines contained in a protocol on the prevention of the contagion of Covid to be prepared for its use in the safety of the plant during the winter season. We will evaluate in the next Dpcm if the conditions are adequate and what to do ”, adds the Minister of Affairs. Which invites Italians to resist, respect the rules, and still make sacrifices for the good of all. “I know it is difficult, for families, for children who go to school, for health workers and for all of us, but we still have to endure this month, we have to hold hands and I am sure that we will win. and we will come out stronger than “. First. But we must not let ourselves be discouraged and lose the sense of community that makes Italy the exceptional country that it is ”.
Skiing, the alpine regions in government: “Don’t close the ski lifts.” Here are the rules for the anti-Covid white week. Boccia: “For now there are no conditions”
Until December 3, therefore, the Dpcm will not be modified. “There have been more requests from more Regions that may be useful for the next decree. This Dpcm does not change and the areas remain that way until December 3”, clarifies the Minister of Regional Affairs, also referring to the request made by the President of the Puglia Region. , Michele Emiliano, to establish red zones in Foggiano and in the province of Barletta, Andria, Trani.
Conte closes to skiing: no to holidays in the snow or repeat Ferragosto
by Giuliano Foschini
However, you have no doubts about one point: it is better to avoid moving between regions for Christmas. “I am absolutely against displacements like summer ones. There are no conditions. The zone system worked. Now we must continue like this. Before GDP, health and life must be defended, then GDP will come, “says the minister. The rules, in fact. We must continue to respect the government’s restrictive measures because” now we are in a kind of second phase of the Second wave and the territorial zoning system has allowed us to secure the networks, but the contagion is generalized, it is a different contagion and there is a very high pressure in the emergency room – he explains bowl – In the first wave, 45 percent of those infected were treated in the hospital, now only 5 percent, but the number of positives is ten times higher, we made 25-30,000 tampons a day, today we make 250,000, in the first wave 13-14 for a hundred ended up in intensive care, now we are below 1%, but the numbers are different and doctors have taken the measures even in this second wave, but we have to help them. At this time -he concludes- it is no longer enough to keep the RT under control -which we have managed to do exceptionally in these 15-20 days- but it is necessary to keep the positions in the medical area under control, the requests should not increase Therefore, we must continue to respect the rules. “
Health in Calabria
Boccia in Catanzaro: “Let’s go ahead with beds and mats, the commissioner will arrive”
by Alessia Candito
Finally, a comment about Calabria is unavoidable. “Today I saw a very proud and dignified Calabria, I believe that all of Italy should feel indebted to this region – says the minister who visited Cosenza and Crotone today, two of the areas most affected by bad weather – The commissioner ad acta will be there but it must not become a mythological figure. It will come but meanwhile in Calabria they have also been made in these days “.