He does not give up, Donald trump, entrenched in the White House and determined not to concede victory to Joe biden in the electoral challenge in the United States. It doesn’t back down even if Georgia, for example, certified Biden’s victory after the recount on Friday: Donald has until tomorrow to ask for another verification of the votes, and in absolute probability he will. The point about the situation in the States is made by the Corriere della Sera, assuming that all the appeals of the incumbent president, so far, have been rejected by the courts.
The point is, Trump doesn’t want to acknowledge the result anyway, and according to the He would run, “transforms this post-election phase into a kind of slow-motion rail disaster that causes enormous damage to American democratic institutions.” Sure, Republicans could stop him, but they wouldn’t because they were terrified of the president’s retaliation. And again, the He would run, explains how Trump’s guerrilla war is structured, which according to many has a “coup logic“.
Three-tiered strategy: “1) court appeals count the election result; 2) pressure on local Republican leaders not to ratify the election result as false, naming instead Trumpian voters; misinformation in which there is talk of extensive fraud – from cards rigged by some tellers to mysterious international communist conspiracies to make millions of votes disappear from electoral information systems – without proving anything: irrelevant at the legal level but useful to fuel chaos and mistrust, “concludes Corsera.