the slaughter begins. This is where


the mink farms continue scare, and after Denmark it is the turn of France. The French ministries of Agriculture, Health and Ecological Transition have announced today that in a mink farm located in Eure-et-Loir, the presence of coronavirus among animals.

Now himSlaughter of animals preventively, to prevent the mutation of the coronavirus strain found in animals from spreading even among the population of the area, as happened in Denmark. Other infections among these animals have also been recorded in the Netherlands, Sweden and Greece.

France, coronavirus in a mink farm

The alert is also raised in France after the discovery of coronavirus in a mink farm. The Government decided to proceed with thesacrifice of about 1,000 animals present in the Center-Val de Loire region: “We have ordered the slaughter of the 1,000 animals still on the farm and the disposal of the products of these animals”, the ministries indicated in a note.

Meanwhile, some research Also in three other farms present in the country, and from some rumors it emerged that in one of these there is no trace of the virus, while in the other two analyzes are still being carried out, the results of which should be available in the coming days. If the presence of the virus is detected, the government could order, also in this case, the slaughter of all the animals.

The situation in Europe

Minks continue to scare, especially there are fears that the strain that originated in these animals could compromise vaccine research. Also in Italy the alert had increased in recent days, however, for the moment, our farms seem to be safe.

The same cannot be said for the Denmark, where about a month ago, the spread of the coronavirus in farms had led the government to give the order to decimate these specimens, according to some estimates, it is thought that about 17 million died. The Copenhagen decision, however, was not to the liking and the controversy that followed sparked the Minister of Agriculture, Mogens Jensen, all resignation.

L ‘fur export is a thriving sector forDanish economy, with a turnover of the value of 840 million euros per year. The main exchanges take place with the East and involve about a thousand companies located throughout the country.
