
Massimiliano Gobbi
Car-motorcycle collision on Via del Mare, a 39-year-old man loses his life. It happened in the tenth city hall of Rome, when colliding, for reasons yet to be determined, an Opel Mokka and a motorcycle that went off the road. The centaur, a 39-year-old FF man, who died practically on the spot, was the worst. The accident occurred at exit 28 of the Grande Raccordo Anulare. In code red the passenger of the bicycle, a 26-year-old girl rushed to San Camillo. An ambulance arrived at the scene with the 118 health workers who could not do anything to save the life of the centaur, the injuries suffered were too serious. The body will be transferred to Tor Vergata.
The 37-year-old driver of the Opel Mokka was taken to San Camillo to undergo alcohol and drug tests. A local Eur police patrol intervened on site to investigate the case with four patrols to support the viability. The agents prohibited the transit of vehicles through Via del Mare towards Ostia to facilitate rescue operations and carry out scientific surveys. Exit 28 of the Gra.