«I expressed a concept of common sense- Corriere.it


Dear director,

In a recent interview with Focus life In response to the question of whether I would be vaccinated in January, I said that I would not do so until the efficacy and safety data were available to both the scientific community and the authorities regulating its distribution.

I formulated a common sense concept that did not express any negative judgments about the goodness of the vaccine, nor did it question the validity of vaccination as the most effective means of preventing the spread of communicable diseases. My personal and scientific history is the testimony.

My statement, which I think has interpreted the sentiment of many who care for and value the scientific method, was inspired by the way in which manufacturing companies have communicated the results achieved without accompanying them with adequate information at least as regards Phase III . .

Transparency is the measure of respect that is fostered towards others and generates a precious asset, trust. In recent days, manufacturing companies, instead of sharing data with the scientific community, have favored communication based on claims not supported by evidence.

We all have high expectations of these vaccines; If the companies in question are in possession of information that justifies announcements that may appear directed in particular to the financial markets, they should be made public also taking into account that the research was financed to a large extent with taxpayers’ money.

The news that the executives of the two companies have exercised their right, I am certainly legitimate, to sell the shares to take advantage of the advantages linked to the rise in prices did not help to generate a feeling of confidence.

A few hours after my interview, an unprecedented media hell broke out., distinguished colleagues from the choir competed to censor my words defined as irresponsible. According to some, it would even jeopardize national security!

The custodians of scientific orthodoxy do not admit hesitation or hesitation, they demand an act of faith from those who do not have access to privileged information, the vaccine will work, they thunder outraged. I am the first to wish it, however I dare to object that the vaccine is not a sacred object. We leave faith to religion and doubt and confrontation with science, which are its stimulus and guarantee.

Among the outraged are some who told us over the summer that clinical evidence led us to believe that the health crisis was over and that the virus was less contagiousAnd sadly, they may have unknowingly fostered behaviors that contributed significantly to the transmission of the virus in those months. Others are authorized members of the technical-scientific committee to which Italy has confidently entrusted itself to prevent a possible second wave, protect commercial activities, promote the recovery of production and guarantee educational activities.

I leave the judgment on his work to the Italians and historians.. In recent weeks, more than 35,000 cases of infection and about 700 deaths have been recorded a day.

Starting Since July, the virus has killed about 15,000 people and infected 1,140,000: I would like to write it out loud because no one is outraged by this silent massacre. Those who will tell the story of this epidemic in the future will not find an echo of my words from a few days ago, but the statistics will continue to be relentless in denouncing these numbers and exposing the mistakes made.

My candid statement about the vaccine has hit a nerve. No tools to control the epidemic unless dependent on severe restrictive measures and no line of defense against a second and possible third wave, the available options are drastically reduced.

At this point, all hopes are pinned on the vaccine as rain for a thirsty people in the desert. This does not justify the demonization of those who may have doubts, those who ask for explanations and those who ask for transparency. Continuing down this path is the best way to be suspicious of food and to give arguments to those who oppose the use of vaccines.

* Professor of Microbiology and Director of the Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Padua

November 23, 2020 (change November 23, 2020 | 08:23)

