The sudden braking, how much was expected. At nine o’clock at night, after another day of tension between the rigorist soul of the government and the opening party, Giuseppe Conte stops the race to the free all.
The president’s position on the dilemma ofthe primacy between health and economy: Dealing with the holiday season without extra precautions would be a day irresponsible. If the madness of the ungovernable August holidays were repeated in a winter version, Italy would pay a heavy price in human lives. Therefore, the Christmas holidays will not be the prelude to the third wave of Covid-19Because the country cannot afford it and because, but this Count does not say it, the government would not hold.
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If many expected that the flattening of the epidemiological curve would lead to a acceleration towards reopening, the prime minister’s idea that, to secure the country, the only way to go is still squeezing. The occasions of socialization and conviviality are particularly intense until the Befana – the reasoning of the president -. If a region allowed itself to face this period with the regime of measures typical of a yellow or orange zone, the contagion would jump forward, with the risk that the January curve would get out of control again. The same concern expressed in the reserved meetings of Roberto Speranza and the other ministers of the rigorista wing, Dario Franceschini, Francesco Boccia and Roberto Gualtieri. In the last Cdm, like the Messenger Service He said, the head of Health had said it clearly, displacing more than one government colleague: although in December almost the entire country will be in the yellow or orange band, we will have to maintain strict national measures and evaluate how to strengthen them between Christmas and New Year .
the hard line, which provides i restaurants, bars and pubs close after 6pm even during holidays and which Conte has decided to support until the Rt index has consistently fallen below 1 throughout Italy. Opportunities for extended sociality should be limited, which usually accompany the Christmas holidays, with bingo, celebrations, parties and the recommendation that Conte put the pen on the paper in the Dpcm of December 3. And if in the last Council of Ministers the person in charge of Sport Vincenzo Spadafora and the Belluno area Federico d’Inc had brought the voice of the snow world, Conte makes it known that the government is working on a European initiative with France and Germany close slopes and lifts during the holidays.
Holidays in the snow would be accompanied by quiet vacations and nights at the disco last summer, the terror that Conte shared with his collaborators. The controversies in the Palazzo Chigi have put them on the account, in addition to the mountain of soft drinks that you have to pay. But the prime minister seems determined not to give in to the pressure, which will certainly be there. As Boccia warns, in a country that cries 600 deaths per day the real problem is avoiding the third wave, certainly not whether or not it will be possible to celebrate the New Year.
The curfew The premier has never loved him, but he seems resigned to keep it. The only exception that for now is being discussed on Christmas Eve night: if the rumors are confirmed on December 24, also to allow Christmas Mass, it will be possible to return home after midnight. The only concession that the head of government makes in black and white concerns commerce. In its sober Christmas there is a place for the traditional exchange of gifts, there are incentives for electronic purchases of the cashback plan (only for those who buy in stores and not online) and there is the intention of favor consumption, in accordance with the protocols. On December 4 then the shops will also reopen in the red regions, which by that date should no longer be due to the tracking of the three colors. The system conceived by Conte and introduced into general skepticism is beginning to bear fruit and the prime minister is proud of it because none of it, he told ministers in the long meeting on Friday night, was made in Europe: The strategy set-up to face the second wave is working, but This is not the time to claim victory. The virus will continue to circulate for the next several months.
There is another file that is dividing the government and the return of high school kids to the desks. Speranza and Boccia want to be very, very cautious. But Lucía Azzolina raised her voice more and more and Conte, that months ago put the school in front of everything in words, makes it clear that wants to keep his promise: As soon as the curve is fully under control, we will intervene to restore face-to-face teaching. It remains a priority to be able to recover as soon as possible the richness of an educational offer focused on the personal interrelation between teachers and students and between students.
November 23, 2020 (change November 23, 2020 | 08:29)