A less armored Christmas than expected. How Italy moves towards the first winter with Covid


Never before have Christmas conversations captured public attention like this year. All the lights are on December 3, when the last Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will expire and the government will have to decide on the new containment measures for the Coronavirus, provisions that will affect the period just before the day before. Thirty days, you know, in terms of a pandemic is an eternity. Several experts and ministers, beginning with Health Roberto Speranza, repeat that at the moment all the debates on emergency shutdown Christmas can only be “surreal”.

But despite the uncertainties and waiting times shown by most insiders, the first rumors of “bonuses” and preventive easing are already beginning to circulate with a view to both the Christmas reunification and the consumerist sprint of the last hour (for not to miss the precious weeks in which, according to Coldiretti, families will dedicate to the media 220 euro each). But is it really possible to imagine a scenario in which we are allowed to move from house to house, region to region, without concrete restrictions?

We try to “be reasonable”

The answer, according to Cnr virologist Giovanni Maga, should be just one: No. “Let’s be reasonable,” he explained. «I understand that Christmas is a cultural event. But we must remember that we are in an epidemic, with a virus that is transmitted in closed and crowded places. And dinners and parties are exactly that: ideal broadcast venues. Even Conte himself, although he has the hypothesis of allowing high-risk regions such as Lombardy and Piedmont to enter the yellow zone as of November 27, said that “a week of unleashed sociability would mean paying heavy consequences in January in terms of deaths and stress “. in intensive care “.

You can buy gifts …

Close everything, however, this is not. The government does not seem to want to take responsibility for further overloading the pockets of tourism and merchants, who record up to 30% of their turnover during the Christmas period. At the moment, the most widely accepted hypothesis is that there will be two Dpcm: one for the period from December 3 until around Christmas and another for the actual holidays.

So yes to Christmas shopping, not only in stores open until 10pm, but also in shopping centers that reopen on weekends. Yes to mobility in cities, yes to pubs and restaurants open even at night. For the second Dpcm, on the other hand, the one that must refer to the two weeks of vacation, the curfew must be extended until 11 at night, with the hypothesis of midnight for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve nights. On the other hand, no exceptions should be granted for parties, events in the square or in other meeting places.

… but can we redeem them?

The commercial reopening does not seem to be a point in doubt, as long as we see an improvement in epidemiological conditions before December 3. “If you do things right,” explains Professor Maga, “the company can do its job safely, with limited access and all the necessary precautions.” But will the exchange of these gifts be allowed? According to the first rumors, it would seem that for the beloved dinner at home there will be recommendations, rather than prohibitions.

The government will probably recommend a maximum (now known) of 6 people at the table, both at home and in restaurants. According to Maga, it is important to try to safeguard the elderly, more fragile and more exposed to the deadly consequences of the virus. “Let’s celebrate Christmas with our partners,” insists the virologist. Let’s see the grandparents on video call. The more people in the house, the greater the risk of contagion. I know it’s bad to say it, but this year we should stop having dinners and parties.

Hypothesis testing do it yourself And Quick Swabs Before Dinner: “Really Unrealistic Ideas”

Among the most imaginative solutions are those proposed by the director of CTS Agostino Miozzo and the president of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia. The first said that if you really can’t give up dinner (and there certainly won’t be any law preventing it), at least get a quick swab before you meet an older or at-risk relative. The second focused squarely on do-it-yourself saliva tests (which he called, in his own words, a “fuck”): If they passed, he said, maybe they could be done before they meet for the celebrations. “At the moment, the only reliable rapid test is antigenic,” Maga recalled. “Serological tests are of no use at this time and salivary tests are not reliable. And for the hypothesis of massive antigen testing … well, they have to be done by nurses or professionals. And in the current laboratory situation, I see the assault on the clinics as a very unrealistic option.

Target yellow zone

The real obstacle remains mobility between regions. The driving ban in the red areas and the restrictions in the orange areas do not appear to be in doubt, even if return to residence or home will continue to be allowed. “There are 40 days until Christmas and at this moment the data tells us that we cannot move between regions,” said the undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, Sandra Zampa. However, he immediately added: “We continue to hope that the figures will improve and therefore exceptions are possible.”

The government’s goal is for most regions to return to the yellow zone by December 3. But, as is clear from the first openings and the first failures towards regions like Lombardy and Piedmont, I would be willing to turn a blind eye even if the result was not achieved. At that time, despite the various “clear and long-standing pacts” declared by the government, it will be very difficult not to witness epidemiologically very dangerous situations. And each one, executive and presidents of regions in primis, you will have to take responsibility.

Photo in copertina: EPA / KIM LUDBROOK

Read also:

  • The hypothesis of two Dpcm for Christmas, towards a single timed yellow zone: maximum 6 people for dinner, travel between regions in perhaps, the school has to wait for January
  • Coronavirus, the numbers clear. The virologist Maga: «An error when reopening before December 3. Attention to RSA ”
  • Coronavirus, Richeldi (Cts): «Deaths will increase again, but the restrictions work. It will be the last Christmas of sacrifices ”
  • Coronavirus, emergency beds: saturated hospitals in 19 regions. And for the “other” patients the possibility of access is reduced
  • From the red areas to the orange spots, the reopening towards Christmas: the hypotheses in the new December Dpcm on restaurants, travel between regions and shopping
  • Coronavirus, the numbers clear. The virologist Maga: «Positive signs. The effects of the last Dpcm in a week ”
