Coronavirus, 761 new positives even today, but the proportion compared to swabs falls (11.75%)


Genoa. am 761 new positives for coronavirus in Liguria out of 6,476 swabs performed. These are the data of the last bulletin of the Region. New infections are absolute numbers identical to yesterday, but slightly below the proportion of positive swabs, now in 11.75% (yesterday it was 13.4%).
The number of hospitals is also positive (50 fewer hospitalized than yesterday) while registering 20 more dead, many of whom died in the last days.

This is the detail of the new positives:

ASL 1: 126

27 confirmed case contact
99 projection activities

ASL 2:56

14 contact confirmed case
35 screening activities
7 social and health sector

ASL 3: 464

123 contact confirmed case
323 discovery activities
18 social and health sector

ASL 4: 1
1 contact confirmed case

ASL 5: 114

24 contact confirmed case
90 screening activities

There are currently 1,360 hospitalized, of which 119 in intensive care (one less than yesterday). In San Martino there are 358 hospitalized, 17 patients less than yesterday. The situation of the other Genoese hospitals: 68 evangelicals, 175 in Galliera, Gaslini in 9, 177 in Villa Scassi, 14 in Gallino. 1,045 people in home isolation.

The positives are currently 15988, which is 206 less than yesterday, counting 947 cured (with negative swab or disappearance of symptoms for 21 days). Most of those infected are always in the province of Genoa (9366). On the other hand, in active surveillance 12693 people (5492 in Asl 3, 1215 in Asl 4).
