“Give priority to those who can survive”


Editorial Board
November 22, 2020 9:24 AM

The document found on the Istituto Superiore di Sanità website is called “Intensive care decisions in case of disproportion between care needs and available resources in the course of a Covid-19 pandemic” and explains that the situations they can arise in emergency situations. particularly serious imbalances between available resources and needs, and benchmarks are essential for making particularly difficult decisions. Translation: in resuscitation, priority is given to those who can survive and age is not the only criterion to use.

Intensive care, the ISS document: “Giving priority to those who can survive”

Currently the document prepared by the Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Intensive Care and Intensive Care (SIAARTI) and by the Italian Society of Forensic Medicine and Insurance (SIMLA) is published in the Good Practices section of the SNLG due to its extreme relevance and timeliness of the The subject is under public consultation.

“Medical ethics – writes in the introduction to the introductory note Carlo M. Petrini, director of the Bioethics Unit and president of the Ethics Committee of the ISS – puts in the center the patient that the doctor must treat, giving priority to the criterion therapeutic. it also takes into account urgency and the possibility of success. The person-centered ethic does not neglect the social dimension: in particular, it promotes equity, so that all patients have equal access. however, it refuses to put social utility before the good of the person. “

The document is based on the ethical and legal principles of the right to health, equality and equal social dignity, solidarity, universality and equity, and self-determination. E indicates the elements for the clinical evaluation of the probability of success of intensive treatment. The document – please note – follows the ‘Clinical ethics recommendations for admission to intensive treatments and for their suspension’ published by Siaarti on March 6, 2020, and is the result of a reflection extended to other components (legal, medical – legal), as well as a critical review of the experiences acquired in the field during the first wave of the pandemic at Italian and international level, as well as the deontological, ethical and bioethical reflections aroused by the pandemic.

For resuscitation, anesthesiologists explain, it means determining who “is more or less likely to overcome the critical condition with the support of intensive care.” Age, therefore, is not in itself a sufficient criterion for determining who can benefit from therapies. All the parameters have also been identified, there are already twelve that are being examined by the Health Institute, and all the possible conditions to follow before reaching the election. Choice that doctors, always in the case of overcrowding, intend to present In any case, wishes must be respected if the patient has left a letter or, at that time, informs the attending physician.

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