New DPMC: who reopens at Christmas?


Ten more days to think how will christmas be: the December 3 the Government must approve a new DPCM, with which in addition to establishing What can be done will also indicate the activities that can be reopened.

And not only that: it will be with him new DPCM that the government will regulate travel clarifying the possibility of reopening regional borders. Also, there are still schools of knots to be dissolved, with the Minister of Education who in recent days seems to have asked the government to reopen them before the Christmas holidays.

The most important question, however, is what concerns the deal ei services, like bars and restaurants: from them, in fact, happens the relaunch of consumption planned for the Christmas holidays, to give a break to our economy.

In this regard, there is no shortage of advances in Who will be able to reopen at Christmas?; Obviously, it is only about indiscretions since the Government reserves the right to modify its decision until the last minute depending on the evolution of the data on the existing health situation. What we are interested in knowing in this context is that the Government a reopening plan has it: this could be subject to changes in the next few days, but if the situation does not change, and therefore the positive trend of these days is confirmed, it is very likely that this will materialize.

Will stores and shopping centers reopen?

It is very likely that near the beginning of the christmas shopping is awarded to shopping centers in reopen even on weekends. On the other hand, it will be necessary to delay the flow of people for several days, to prevent them from creating meetings Monday to Friday.

But there will be very strict rules for ticket fee– You can enter the limit of the maximum capacity allowed for each shopping center.

The same will apply to other business activities, now closed in the red zones. These will be allowed reopen in compliance with very strict rules; Also, just to avoid the concentration of people in a specific time slot, it could be granted to stores open until 22:00.

Will bars and restaurants reopen?

A separate discussion for bars and restaurants for which the government will decide based on the health situation in the region where they are located. There are Regions, in fact, where at this time Christmas is at risk since the situation does not seem to improve; others, on the other hand, where all the signs lead us to be optimistic.

In this sense, in the yellow areas the Government could authorize the reopening at nighthowever, having a maximum of 4 people at each table. This, however, should be the only concession for Christmas: for the red and orange areas, in fact, there should be no change of course, as confirmed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who in recent days He says opposed to the reopening of bars and restaurants in the orange and red zoneseven just for lunch.

Do schools reopen at Christmas?

In these days when the reopening plan was discussed, the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina also asked for the resumption of lessons in presence for high school, at least in the yellow areas. However, nothing to do: at least until January the schools will be closed.

Are regional borders reopened for Christmas?

Even if there is the will to do unite families However, with a view to the Christmas holidays, there is a risk that when regional borders are reopened, situations may arise that facilitate the circulation of the virus in the territory.

For this reason, the government is considering a plan to reopen regional borders but at the same time identifying situations in which it is possible to pass from one Region to another. It will be necessary to identify some specific situations, because only exceptionally, and only if the data allows it.
