Coronavirus, 9,386 swabs in Sicily: 1,838 new infected, 43 dead


Seven hundred fewer tampons than yesterday but two hundred more positives. The numbers continue to grow and with the same number of deaths in one day, 43 as the day before. Of the 9,386 swabs processed in the last 24 hours, 1,838 new infected emerged in Sicily (yesterday there were 1,634 with 10,020 swabs and 43 deaths).

According to the report of the Ministry of Health on coronavirus infections in Sicily tonight there are 31 more hospitalized for a total of 1,810 patients. Of these in the ICU there are 242 (the same number as yesterday). There are now 34,431 Sicilians in home isolation, while 310 people have recovered.

In today’s provincial plot, Catania is opening the way for new positives with 625 cases. then Palermo 583, Messina 145, Syracuse 125, Agrigento 107, Trapani 71, Caltanissetta 70, Ragusa 56, Enna 55.
Maurizio Politi Map
(click on the symbol in the upper right to enlarge the box)

Here are the data in detail: hospitalized with symptoms 1,568 (+31), intensive care 242 (0), total hospitalized 1,810 (+31), home isolation 34,431 (+1,454). Total positive current 36,241 (+1,485). New positives 1,838. High / cured 14,489 (+310). He died 1,141 (+43). Total cases 51,871 (+1,838). Buffers 875,889 (+9,386).
