Dear manager,
like Corriere He explained extensively these days, Forza Italia has decided to respond positively to the call of the Head of State for institutional collaboration. It is a natural choice for us, even taken for granted, as it is taken for granted that It is not about political support for a government that we do not approve and a majority whose values and programs are incompatible with ours. But it is precisely from our values, which are liberal, Christian, pro-European, guarantors, that is born for us the duty of responsibility towards Italians and therefore the will to lend a hand, from the opposition, to get Italy out of the emergency in which we find ourselves. It is even superfluous to add that this does not question our belonging to the center-right, which is not just our home, a house that we founded and made grow even at the cost of great sacrifices, but that without us he could never win, much less rule. It is unthinkable, in a large European country, a center-right government that does not have a marked liberal character.
Historical problems
Instead, it’s about being mindful of the fact that Italy is in the midst of a dramatic crisis, a health and economic crisis unmatched at least since the war. It is an emergency situation that worries everyone, but that in Italy is grafted onto a series of historical problems, structural weaknesses and inequalities, unresolved contradictions. Simplifying, the situation is as follows: those that are already guaranteed – employees, public employment – somehow continue to be guaranteed, at least for the moment, in this crisis. Those who were not guaranteed before, freelancers, merchants, artisans, professionals, small and very small entrepreneurs, CIF, subcontracted workers, today run the risk of being alone. The anger, the pain, the despair that we see in the eyes of many – who see the activity of their lives, the sacrifices made, the hope of a future for themselves and their children – are feelings that I not only share, but require concrete and urgent answers.
Healing the disparity
I don’t want to create misunderstandings: I don’t think employees are privileged. The protections they enjoy are sacrosanct, the result of decades of historical evolution, of struggles and sacrifices that deserve absolute respect. The vast majority of them work hard and seriously, in the public and private sectors. As an entrepreneur I have had thousands of collaborators and I am very aware of the extraordinary value they represent for a company. Precisely for this however there cannot be two italicsOne who saves himself, the other -the self-employment- who has to fend for himself, or is allowed to sink. Also because one without the other is not sustainable in the long term. What we ask the government and the majority is to heal this disparity, guaranteeing self-employment, professionals, merchants, artisans, CIF, all the necessary protection, not punctual but structurally. IT IS one of the conditions to vote together on the next budget “deviations”.
Compensation grant
This is accomplished in several ways, first of all white fiscal semester: the suspension of all payments to the State for these categories at least until March 31, 2021. But of course, this is not enough, for those who have lost all or most of their work. Our proposal is to assign compensation, equivalent to a significant part of the income declared in the previous year, during months of forced inactivity or severe reduction in activity. Protection similar to that properly assigned to employees who lose their jobs or are fired.
There is more. About 2 million freelancers have been registered in private pension funds and in the separate management of Inps the only VAT numbers excluded from the May grant and, therefore, also of its reissues in the recent “refreshment decrees”. For them, significant compensation must be guaranteed by the end of this year, in line with the loss of turnover, at a flat rate.
How is all this financed? Of course sadly in debt. Sadly, because we are putting it at the expense of future generations. But it is a “good” debt not only for equity reasons, but above all because if we do not all come out of this dramatic stage together, the future may not exist for anyone.
To achieve all this, we are willing to take responsibility for working, for the good of the country, with a government very far from us. I would like all the opposition to do it, without confusing roles with the majority.
November 22, 2020 (change November 22, 2020 | 07:19)