Covid in Emilia Romagna: old and young. The Real Numbers – Chronicle


Bologna, November 22, 2020 – “Coronavirus attacks fragility “, Andra Cossarizza, an immunologist and Unimore teacher, told us the other day. There was a poor girl from Reggio, Martina Bonaretti, dejected at 21 by the damn disease. Martina lived in Luzzara, she was very sweet: she was until now the youngest victim of Emilia Romagna, one of the youngest in Italy.

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Faced with these tragedies, the question arises: can one die from Covid even at that age? What is fragility? It reassures us or makes us anxious to read in the cold official bulletins to patients with previous pathologies‘? What previous pathologies did Martina have, or why did Mattia risk her life, which we had mistakenly defined as patient 1 from Italy, in Codogno, in February, two weeks in intensive care, 38 years old, athlete? But Martina had extra kilos and they tell us that weight has an influence: and Mattia had just returned from a marathon and perhaps after so much routine you can become fragile if you contract the virus.

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On this page we reveal the real numbers of the inhabitants of Emilia Romagna who have encountered the Coronavirus on their trip: that unfortunately they did not succeed, that they were hospitalized, that they had to fight in intensive care, perhaps intubated. It is the first time that we can give you this information. analytically, by age group, not the media. Never forget that behind this infinite list, there is ‘meat’, each of these numbers has a story, a face, a battle, a suffering, a victory, a defeat.

There is the face of Martina, a young angel, but there is also (for example) the face of Nicolò Mantani, a 32-year-old boy from Rimini who spent 40 days in intensive care. Intubated. He did it, he won. “I have never had health problems before – he told our Grazia Buscaglia a month ago – I have seen hell, you have to be careful.”

We have to be careful. WHO? Old people, of course: they have been telling us for some time. But the young? Are young people who get infected and sick, damn sick, really growing up? Let’s stop for a moment and don’t see it too bad: meanwhile the Ministry of Health confirms that the average age of the victims Italian is more than 80 years and that the deceased themselves had an average of 3.5 pathologies each. Then, also studying the table, however, it appears that the more than 70 victims continue to represent the vast majority of cases, as well as hospitalizations and the number of those who end up in intensive care, although to a lesser extent. The truth is that many people in our region who have fought with their teeth against the virus in recent months, were not only 70, 80 or 90 years old, but also 30, 40 or 50.

20 to 39 years, more than 700 have fought in hospital, 28 of them in intensive care and sadly 14 died. Very low percentage, it should be noted, in comparison with the number of infected of that age (about 23 thousand). But now everyone recognizes that the virus is affecting even the very young.

0 to 49 years, the victims are 41, the hospitalized almost two thousand, the more than a hundred in intensive care.

And in the age group from i 40 ei 59 anni, three thousand emiliano romagnoli were hospitalized270 ended up in intensive care. We are talking about people who have been in danger of death: 166 have not succeeded.

Between the first and second waves, to analyze this data in the correct way, there are some differences. In the first wave, with less knowledge of the virus, those who began to feel ill were taken to the hospital more or less immediately. However, as of September we started taking care more from home But it can happen that after the first days of relative calm, the virus begins to bite, and strongly. It happened to the president of the Emilia Romagna region Stefano Bonaccini, 53 years old: soft start, then the pneumonia and after seven days a night in the hospital was also necessary, so luckily everything has passed and is passing.

But today, we see it from the data, experts tell us, the danger for 40 and 50 years It is no longer just about being able to pass the virus on to parents. Unfortunately, they run the risk of putting their own lives in danger.
