Everything closed lanes and shelves cordoned off with tape Red and white. Among the products “Prohibited” there are also goods of First need: toilet paper, sanitary napkins, parapharmaceutical products such as hygiene gel, shampoo and shower gel. A poster explains: “Non-food items that cannot be bought.” It happens, since Saturday 21 November, at points of sale within the chain’s shopping centers Bennet Supermarkets in the province of Milano. The reason, the managers explain, is “in the new order of the Prefect“But the Prefecture essentially denies it.
“The Prefect – report to the Prefecture itself ilfattoquotidiano.it – no issues ordinances in the countryside. He replied to a opinion that concerns me salable products on the weekend in hypermarkets me supermarkets inside malls, reiterating the provisions of Dpcm of the November 3, 2020“And that is:” In the days holidays and pre-holidays is closed commercial business present inside shopping centers, ad exception pharmacies, parapharmacies, directors sanitary, general outings food, cigars and kiosks“. The Prefecture emphasizes that” the list is required“This means that medical and pharmaceutical products should be able to be bought.
Everything comes from reporting what does a client do in Social. The man had gone to the store Vanzaghello buy toilet paper and diapers for your children. But, once he arrived, he found the lane blocked: “I find incredible In this situation, we are on the verge of ridicule … Not selling toilet paper and sanitary napkins in an open supermarket is not an anti-Covid rule, but a gratuitous malice! ”He wrote on Facebook.

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The same location as Vanzaghello, such as Cornaredo me Sedriano, confirmed that the aisles are closed and the sale of these products is not allowed. The explanation of the managers is the same: “It is not a personal initiative”, but “we are applying the new directives comes from campus from Montano Lucino (As), decided on the basis of an order issued by the Prefect of Milan on the afternoon of November 20 ”. According to reports from stores, the order would prohibit the sale of all non-food products in supermarkets inside malls, in Weekend and in the days holidays and days before holidays. Thus, further Gods basic needs and sanitary products.
But, as the Prefecture itself explains, does not appear that he Prefect from Milan Renato saccone blocked the sale of these products over the weekend. The last ordinance, in chronological order, that regulates the sales of stores in shopping centers is the north. 623 from Lombardy region, released October 21. The provision establishes that “on Saturdays and Sundays the closure of large commercial structures as well as the retail businesses present in the malls. The disposition does not apply for sale of genres food, food and products for pets, products Cosmetic products and for himpersonal hygiene, for the hygiene of the House, plants and flowers and related accessory products, as well as pharmacy, all parapharmacies, all watertight and resales of monopolies. “
According to Dpcm of the November 3, in Red zone supermarkets can only sell foods and of First need, that is, those provided for in annex 23 of the decree. These include toilet paper, soaps, and other such products. Instead, in large stores no can be sold Home furniture, plates and glasses also made of plastic, pots, Stationery, linen, batteries e toys.