Covid in Italy, the newsletter with today’s data November 20


In the last 24 hours, 37,242 new positives have been reported, compared to 36,176 yesterday. Fewer tests were conducted: 238,077 versus 250,186. The percentage of positives is 15.6% (yesterday 14.4%). There are 699 deaths, with a total of 48,569 deaths. The number of positives since the start of the pandemic, including deaths and cured, amounts to 1,345,767. The healed number 520,022. There are 3,748 people in intensive care (+36 compared to yesterday)

In the last 24 hours, 37,242 new cases of coronavirus have been registered in Italy, while yesterday there were 36,176. The number of swabs performed decreased: 238,077, compared to 250,186 yesterday. The percentage of positives is 15.6% (yesterday 14.4%). 699 deaths, 36 more patients in intensive care. This is the image that emerges from the newsletter of the Ministry of Health of November 20 (LIVE UPDATES – SPECIAL – GRAPHICS). The new cases are scattered across the regions: Lombardy leading with 9,221, then Campania with 4,226 and Piedmont with 3,861. There are a total of 3,748 patients admitted to intensive care (THE SITUATION IN ITALY WITH MAPS AND INFOGRAPHS).

Victims, cured and tampons

See also

Covid, ISS monitoring: “The number of cases begins to flatten”

Since the start of the pandemic, 1,345,767 people have tested positive for coronavirus in Italy, including those recovered and the deceased. The victims, in total, are 48,569, with 699 deaths in the last 24 hours (yesterday 653). The cured, again in the last 24 hours, are 21,035, for a total of 520,022. The patients with symptoms are 33,957 (+347). On the other hand, there are 739,471 people in home isolation (+15,122). Swabs totaled 19,962,604, an increase of 238,077 compared to November 19. The cases analyzed are 11,999,674 so far, net of how many swabs have been done. Among the bulletin notes we read that the Emilia Romagna Region announces “that after verifying the data communicated in recent days, 3 cases have been eliminated because they are not considered Covid-19 cases”; and that the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region explains that “today’s new cases include 85 cases registered by private laboratories between October 29 and November 14”.

Coronavirus graphics

Contagions in the regions


Coronavirus, the situation in Italy: graphs and maps

In detail, according to the data released by the Ministry of Health, the currently positive people are:

159,641 in Lombardy

76,545 in Piedmont

98,992 in Campania

68,687 in Veneto

62,934 in Emilia-Romagna

77,746 in Lazio

53,869 in Tuscany

34,756 in Sicily

15,954 in Liguria

29,434 in Puglia

14,977 in the Marks

15,378 in Abruzzo

11,175 in Friuli Venezia Giulia

11,368 in Umbria

11,511 in the autonomous province of Bolzano

11,644 in Sardinia

3,004 in the autonomous province of Trento

9,367 in Calabria

4,943 in Basilicata

2,080 in the Aosta Valley

2,171 in Molise.

Coronavirus graphics

The victims


Coronavirus, from the first case to infections: the stages. PHOTO

As for the victims, there are:

20,190 in Lombardy

5,419 in Piedmont

1,217 in Campania

3,123 in Veneto

5,265 in Emilia-Romagna

1,921 in Lazio

2,121 in Tuscany

1,098 in Sicily

2,207 in Liguria

1,129 in Puglia

1,161 in the Marks

739 in Abruzzo

608 in Friuli Venezia Giulia

314 in Umbria

446 in the autonomous province of Bolzano

367 in Sardinia

563 in the autonomous province of Trento

213 in Calabria

104 in Basilicata

278 in the Aosta Valley

86 in Molise.

Coronavirus graphics
