Access a therapy me vaccinations for everyone like “imperative” to the world community, through whose efforts we will soon reach a “Point of return”. This is the meaning of the message sent by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during the opening session of the G20 in Riyadh. The premier spoke of the guarantee for all of having diagnoses, therapies and vaccines as an imperative, underlining that for Italy “they are public goods global, suitable for all and it is not the privilege of a few “.
The prime minister said he was “convinced” is now joint efforts will soon lead us to a turning point in our struggle ”against the coronavirus. “Our responsibility, as a leader, is to make this a turning point for humanity’s responsiveness, so Quick ed effective, to the crises of the future, ”he added during the side event of the G20 summit on ‘Preparation and response to the pandemic’.
In recent months, “the international community has faced a unprecedented pandemic of the last century, with impacts healthcare and socioeconomic care shocking “. The death toll “has risen to more than a million” and the International Monetary Fund “Predicted that 90 million people plus they will fall into poverty by the end of 2020 ″. The resurgence of the pandemic in the autumn period with the Second wave “In many regions it requires, once again, difficult decisions by governments and important sacrifices for its citizens ”, recalled the premier.
“Substantial remains to be filled financial gaps, which will require tools and financing channels innovative and active participation of private sector “Conte said. “We need to specific investments, to strengthen me Systems of health around the world, while leaning environmental resilience and social and avoiding more economic difficulties “, explained the prime minister, defining this path as a “Hard task”, but in which “Italy is ready to do its part”.
According to the premier, it is necessary “to face the terrible test imposed by the COVID-19 invest in public health: it is a moral and social imperative as well as a political one ”. The crisis will emerge “only by conceiving a A new beginning, placing the person at the center of the efforts of global challenges ”. Italy’s commitment to these prerogatives will continue with the assumption of the G20 presidency for next year: Italy will promote a coordinated effort to overcome the economic crisis, with special attention to the most vulnerable countries, he explained.
“The G20 has taken unprecedented steps” in the fight against Covid and “as we continue to fight the virus and welcome recent news from the Investigation about vaccines, we should also look forward to ours future and the future of the younger generations – Conte concluded – We must strengthen ours cooperation with the multilateral institutions and make them more effective, including aWHO strengthened “.