Coronavirus in Ravenna: 261 cases, 130 symptomatic, 8 new hospitalizations, unfortunately 1 death, an 85-year-old man



In the provincial territory of Ravenna today they are registered 261 almost: there are 135 men and 126 women; 131 asymptomatic and 130 with symptoms; 253 in home isolation and 8 hospitalized. In detail: 147 from contact tracing; 93 for symptoms; 14 for private tests, 5 for hospitalization tests, 1 for category tests, and 1 for returning abroad (Albania). Today the Region has communicated 1 death: this is an 85-year-old man. 6 complete healings are recorded. General cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in the Ravenna area, updated on the morning of todayTherefore, there are 6,334. With regard to the distribution in the territory, the subdivision is as follows:

  • 2,403 in the municipality of Ravenna (+ 111)
  • 1,141 Faenza (+ 23)
  • 593 Lugo (+22)
  • 396 Cervia (+13)
  • 218 Bagnacavallo (+ 9)
  • 196 Alfonsine (+10)
  • 177 Russians (+ 2)
  • 171 castel Bolognese (+10)
  • 129 Cotignola (+ 18)
  • 119 Massa Lombarda (+8)
  • 112 Brisighella (+ 4)
  • 97 Conselice (+ 2)
  • 92 Fusignan (+ 2)
  • 69 Riolo Terme
  • 70 Solarolo (+ 3)
  • 55 Sant’Agata sul Santerno (+ 3)
  • 31 Bagnara (+ 7)
  • 15 Casola Valsenio (+1)
  • 250 residents outside the province of Ravenna (+ 13)

So far in November, 3,332 positive cases have been registered. In all the previous months, around 3,000 were registered.


In Emilia-Romagna, 2,723 new cases of positivity were registered today, with almost 19,700 swabs with an average of 13.8 positive swabs per 100, an average higher than yesterday and in the last few days (yesterday there were 2,533 positive cases, with 22,300 swabs and a ratio of 11.3 positive swabs per 100). Of the new positives, 1,269 asymptomatic patients were identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The average age of the positives today is 47.7 years. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, 103,064 cases of positivity have so far been registered in Emilia-Romagna.

ACTIVE COVID CASESActive cases to date are 65,080 (+ 2,149 the day before).

PEOPLE IN DOMESTIC ISOLATIONTo date there are 62,245 (+ 2,092 compared to yesterday).

PEOPLE IN INTENSIVE CARE There are 241 patients in intensive care throughout the region (- 3), and they are distributed as follows: 15 in Piacenza (+2 compared to Yesterday), 13 in Parma (-1 vs Yesterday), 28 in Reggio Emilia (-1), 64 in Modena (+3), 59 in Bologna (-4), 4 in Imola (-1), 17 in Ferrara (unchanged), 11 in Ravenna (-1) , 6 in Forlì (no change), 1 in Cesena (no change) and 23 in Rimini (no change).

PEOPLE HOSPITALIZED IN COVID DEPARTMENTSThe patients admitted to the Covid wards are currently 2,594 (+60).

THE HEALEDThe total number of people healed since the beginning of the pandemic increased to 32,672 (+ 527).

DEATHUnfortunately, there are 47 new deaths: 25 in the province of Bologna. (16 men from 67, 68, 71, 75, 76, 80, 82, two of 85, 86, two of 89, two of 92, 96 and a man of 73 in Imola; 9 women from 74, 78, 81, 82, 88, 89, 93, 94, 96 years), 7 at the one in Modena (5 men from 80, 88, 89, 90 and 99 years and 2 women of 79 and 88 years), 8 in Reggio Emilia (6 men of 60, 73, 74 years old, two of 80 and one of 94 and a woman of 80 and one of 68), one in Ravenna (an 85-year-old man), one in Piacenza (a 77-year-old woman), one in the province of Forlì-Cesena (an 82 year old woman), 2 to Parma (2 women aged 83 and 86), 2 in Ferrara (A 71-year-old man and a 91-year-old woman, no deaths in Rimini. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, there have been a total of 5,312 deaths in Emilia-Romagna.

CASES BY PROVINCE – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:

  • 23,050 in Bologna and Imola (+ 574, of which 233 symptomatic)
  • 18,681 to Modena (+ 573, of which 401 symptomatic)
  • 15,064 in Reggio Emilia (+358, of which 280 symptomatic)
  • 11.009 in Piacenza (+246, of which 63 symptomatic)
  • 8,898 to Parma (+ 179, of which 90 symptomatic)
  • 8,041 in Rimini (+ 244, of which 129 symptomatic)
  • 6,334 to Ravenna (+ 261, of which 130 symptomatic)
  • 4,981 to Ferrara (+ 123, of which 14 symptomatic)
  • 3,823 in Forlì (+94, of which 61 symptomatic)
  • 3,183 in Cesena (+71, of which 53 symptomatic)

Romagna CTSS Presidency Office: currently about 500 hospitalized in Covid wards, the situation is bordering on the red level, beyond which additional video services will be limited

Update on the situation of covid 19, a new proposal for the Romagna cancer network, the perspectives of primary care in Romagna. These are the topics covered Yesterday in the afternoon, at the meeting of the Bureau of the Territorial Social and Health Conference (Ctss) chaired by the mayor of Ravenna Michele de Pascale.

On the covid, also responding to the questions of the public administrators present, the general manager Tiziano Carradori, the director of health Mattia Altini, the director of the department of public health Raffaella Angelini and the director of social and health activities Mirco Tamagnini, illustrated the actual situation.

When it comes to hospitals, there are currently around 500 hospitalized patients for whom the situation is bordering on the red level, beyond which the additional benefits of video should be limited. There are currently 46 intensive care hospitalizations, compared to about 100 places available, again in the Romagna area.

Also to face this situation, the public hygiene and health services are identifying spaces to accommodate fragile and paucisymptomatic patients, in order to relieve the pressure on hospitals, the so-called cra covid: in addition to via Ovidio di Rimini and Galla Placidia di Ravenna, The 29 posts in Novafeltria have been activated and will soon be in other structures in the province of Forlì-Cesena. Compared to the cra, in all of Romagna there are currently 425 positive patients who are being managed internally, also with the support of 63 Ausl operators who went to support the structures, which currently have 268 positive employees. Ausl has problems from this point of view as well, with more than 400 operators currently in quarantine (of which 190 are positive).

On the territorial front, follow-up work continues and notification times are improving, also thanks to the introduction of antigenic swabs: of these, a model will be used in emergency rooms and other hospital services and in breeding with direct reading in the place. , another model especially for schools, with reading done instead with technology dedicated to Pievesestina.

The general director also informed that the company is acquiring four “deep freezers” (minus 80 degrees) before the arrival of the first doses of the new vaccine against covid, which will be placed in Pievesestina (two) at the service of Forlì and Cesena, Ravenna and Rimini for their respective territories. Regarding the administration, obviously the national and regional guidelines that currently provide for health personnel will be followed.

Romagna Cancer Network. The corresponding three-year plan foresees that the clinical and preclinical research activity, in addition to the oncology, will be carried out by the Irst-IRCCS for the whole of Romagna; On the other hand, the high-risk phase 1 clinical trials will be carried out mainly by the hospital structures of the different territories, according to their historical vocations: solid tumors in Forlì, oncology and hematology with allogeneic transplantation in Ravenna, neuroscience in Cesena, oncohematology and radiotherapy pediatric in Rimini. Since the document, which received unanimous approval from the Board, was not included on the agenda, it will now be the subject of discussion and meeting with the unions.

On the primary front, the general director reiterated the importance of giving a stable orientation to the operational units distributed throughout the territory, also taking into account the strong capillarity of the presence of district hospitals throughout Romagna. Based on these assumptions, management is working to strengthen the complex structures of district hospitals and some specialties that were critical during the pandemic crisis.

The interventions and proposals of the Ausl were all highly appreciated and shared by all the mayors. President De Pascale, in particular, stressed that the proposal on the primaries “gives dignity and brings harmony between the different territories.” And more generally “in these three important aspects, the covid situation, the oncology network, the orientation of complex structures, we have seen important advances by the new Ausl Administration, in a sense that is finding the approval of the mayors and the Institutions, which are consequently available to support the Company in their regard and for their own possibilities, for the well-being of our communities. ”Regarding vaccination for the covid,“ as local authorities we will give space and support at the time of administration “.
