Reopening bars and restaurants on December 3 is not a utopia. But as long as tougher restrictions are applied on other fronts against the Coronavirus. This is the position of the coordinator of the CTS, the Scientific Technical Committee, Agostino Miozzo, who spoke in an interview with The messenger the conditions on which the reopening before Christmas should be based. “Opening but with rigor. After December 3 it will be useful to offer the possibility of restarting some economic activities,” he said. “But you will not have to tolerate more images of crowds in the supermarket to buy a pair of shoes.”
For months the CTS has been an exponent of the art of compromising health and politics, the economy and security. “It must be clearly explained that to live with the virus, in a way that is compatible with the needs of the labor market and the economy, it is absolutely necessary to give oneself rules,” emphasized Miozzo. “Rigor is needed, but also the possibility of living again.” Today the Committee will meet with Commissioner Domenico Arcuri to illustrate the vaccine plan. Meanwhile, Miozzo encourages a conscious coexistence with the virus. “It is clear that the trend is encouraging,” he explained. “Before reaching the national RT under 1 it takes some time, but there are some regions like Lombardy and Lazio. What is the point, then, of forcing some companies to remain closed? ”
Christmas with the elderly? Yes, but with the fast buffer
However, there is no compromise on one thing: movements between regions. “We could only decide later, when we are clear about the trend of infections.” And at Christmas you have to be very careful, especially when looking for the most fragile. Younger people should be cautious, he said, adding that it would be helpful before visiting an older relative on vacation to “do a quick swab the day before.” “We still need caution and precautions – he said – because perhaps the virus was incubating, but in any case this is a way to reduce the probability of contagion.”

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