

It will be a technical table between the Regions, the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health to evaluate the adjustments to be included in the new provision.
Editorial Board
20 November 2020 09:21
There will not be an immediate reversal on choosing the red, orange, or yellow areas. Without changes, the 21 parameters that attribute to the Regions their position in the risk area will not be modified until the expiration of the current Dpcm.It will be a technical table between the Regions, the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health to evaluate the adjustments that will be included in the new provision. The government, therefore, rejects for the moment the pressure from the Regions that for days have been asking to “simplify” the criteria, with the consequence that the monitoring of the next few hours will follow the scheme used until now. But the transition to the red zone of other Regions seems to be on hold: yesterday there was talk of Puglia, Basilicata, Abruzzo, which in fact is already by decision of President Marsilio, with Emilia Romagna and Liguria still in the balance. And the red zone was also assumed for Sicily. An eventuality that at the moment seems avoided. In fact, in the evening, after speaking with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, the president of the Region Nello Musumeci confirmed the government’s intention to wait until at least December 3.
“I heard from Minister Speranza who informed me about the decision to renew his ordinance for all orange areas in Italy, establishing a first technical comparison for a new regional risk assessment for next week,” Musumeci explained.
Sicily, however, remains under special surveillance or in any case among the regions under greater observation, even if the measures adopted so far have found the favor of the minister, as Musumeci emphasizes: “During the telephone call he had with the regional councilor of health, he was able to highlight the improvement of the regional framework, also in light of the containment measures that had already been adopted ”.
It remains uncertain whether the future of Sicily as it approaches the December holidays will remain orange or red. Certainly, however, according to what was announced, during the next 15 days there will be no changes, but then there may be a passage to the area with more severe restrictions, confirms the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia: “I do not exclude that it may there are other red regions. “
The government, for its part, grants two vacancies to the governors: a “political coordination” for the next Dpcm – which basically means that we continue like this until the beginning of December and then we decide together the Christmas rules – and, above all, the possibility of requesting refreshments for the categories affected by the measures, even if it is the presidents and not the government, according to the Minister of Health, who decide the restrictive measures.
The other major issue in the confrontation between the Government and the Regions is the new Dpcm, which should give directions for the Christmas period. From the prime minister to the ministers to the scientists, everyone repeats that it will not be a Christmas like any other and that, although with some inevitable concessions, it will certainly not be a free all. However, there will be some opening, as confirmed by the premier himself, to allow families to be together and above all to avoid further burying all trade and tourism.
The line to follow will be decided in the coming days, also trusting that the measures taken from October 24 will stop the spread of the virus. One of the hypotheses on the table is that of a “Dpcm ponte” for the Christmas period that suspends the automaticity of the gangs, loosens the national curfew, allows the night opening of bars and restaurants and also the movement between the red and orange regions to reach the closest relatives, extends the hours of the stores, provides for a new protocol for religious masses and ceremonies, indicate the prohibitions for New Year’s Eve, even stop any meeting in the squares. (Gds.it)
On how to choose the red, orange or yellow areas, there will be no immediate turning back. Without changes, the 21 parameters that attribute to the Regions the placement in the risk area will not undergo changes until the expiration of the Dpcm currently in force.It will be a technical table between the Regions, the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health to evaluate the adjustments that will be included in the new provision. The Government, therefore, rejects for the moment the pressure from the Regions that for days have been asking to “simplify” the criteria, with the consequence that the monitoring of the next few hours will follow the scheme used until now. But the transition to the red zone of other Regions seems to be on hold: yesterday there was talk of Puglia, Basilicata, Abruzzo, which in fact is already by decision of President Marsilio, with Emilia Romagna and Liguria still in the balance. And the red zone was also assumed for Sicily.. An eventuality that for the moment seems avoided. In fact, in the evening, after speaking with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, the president of the Region Nello Musumeci confirmed the government’s intention to wait until at least December 3.
“I heard from Minister Speranza who informed me about the decision to renew his ordinance for all orange areas in Italy, establishing a first technical comparison for a new regional risk assessment for next week,” Musumeci explained.
Sicily, however, remains under special surveillance or, in any case, among the regions under greater observation, even if the measures adopted so far have found the favor of the minister, as Musumeci emphasizes: “During the telephone call he had with the regional councilor was able to highlight the improvement of the regional framework, also in light of the containment measures that had already been adopted ”.
It remains uncertain whether the future of Sicily as it approaches the December holidays will be orange or red. Certainly, however, as has been announced, during the next 15 days there will be no changes, but then there may be a passage to the area with more severe restrictions, confirms the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia: “I do not exclude that there may be other red regions “.
The government, meanwhile, grants two vacancies to the governors: a “political coordination” for the next Dpcm -which basically means that we continue like this until the beginning of December and then we decide together the Christmas rules- and, above all, the possibility to request refreshments for the categories affected by the measures, even if it is the presidents and not the government, according to the Minister of Health, who decide the restrictive measures.
The other major issue in the confrontation between the Government and the Regions is the new Dpcm, which should give indications for the Christmas period. From the prime minister to the ministers to the scientists, everyone repeats that it will not be a Christmas like any other and that, although with some inevitable concessions, it will certainly not be a free all. However, there will be some opening, as confirmed by the premier himself, to allow families to be together and above all to avoid further burying all trade and tourism.
The line to follow will be decided in the coming days, also trusting that the measures taken from October 24 will stop the spread of the virus. One of the hypotheses on the table is that of a “Dpcm ponte” for the Christmas period that suspends the automatism of the gangs, loosens the national curfew, allows the night opening of bars and restaurants and the movement even between the red and orange regions to reach the closest relatives, extends the hours of the stores, provides a new protocol for religious masses and ceremonies, indicate the prohibitions for New Year’s Eve, even stop any meeting in the squares. (Gds.it)
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