The Regional Council has been convened for Tuesday, October 24. Will there finally be a long and deep discussion about the health emergency? No way. Our heroes have also put on the agenda, between the recovery funds and the covid-19, the bill on the institution of the undersecretaries to the presidency of the Executive. The question is: is this the time to talk about useless chairs, taking space and time away from the most urgent events?
But what are these undersecretaries for? Will they be technical or political? If they are technicians, the question is: in the Region, by chance, there are no longer general managers and their managers? If they are politicians, the question is: are councilors not politicians?
The truth is that this bill, whatever the reasons, is “crazy shit” as Fantozzi would say. It is an electoral pact with some big supporters of the center-right coalition. They are bills to pay for the change made.
Be that as it may, Basilicata has many other emergencies. And these “institutional” games have the flavor of a trivial offense to the intelligence of the citizens. Think about serious things and do them, that in this region the situation is serious and serious. We are outraged.