As a preliminary measure, it is necessary to limit the maximum number of daily entries by entering a maximum of daily ski passes salable, determined according to the characteristics of the ski resort / area / area, with homogeneous criteria by Region or Autonomous Province or ski area to be defined later, after consulting the category representatives, agreed with the Prevention Departments of the competent Local Health Authorities in the territory. Based on this principle, the amateur lifts will remain closed in the red zones. They will be open in the oranges, but with some restrictions. The cable cars and gondolas will only be able to transport 50% of the passengers.
This is what draft document on ski resorts, which will be taken to the Conference of the Regions next Monday to be presented to the Government and the CTS.
Yes, but not in the red zone.
About red zones, According to the document the lifts will be closed for the use of amateur skiers (art. 3 of the Dpcm); for territories that fall within the orange areas (art. 2 of the Dpcm) the plants will remain active with flow reduction equal to 50% for closed types (gondolas, cable cars), without prejudice to the travel limitations provided by the same art. 2 of the aforementioned Dpcm.
Therefore, the passenger limit is only valid for cable cars and cable cars. In the case of chair lifts, maximum capacity at 100% of the vehicle’s capacity with the mandatory use of a surgical mask, possibly also used appropriately by inserting it into instruments (such as the neck warmer) that facilitate its use. For cable cars, reduction to 50% of the maximum capacity of the vehicle and mandatory use of a surgical mask, possibly also used properly by inserting it into instruments (such as neck warming band) that facilitate its use.
For the descent into the valley – the document continues – in case of exceptional atmospheric events (for example, electrical storms), and in order to avoid or limit the gatherings of people in the mountain stations, the use of vehicles is allowed by the time strictly necessary. at full load, always respecting the use of a surgical mask, also possibly used appropriately by inserting it in instruments (such as neck warming band) that facilitate its usability.