reopen on December 3. Here’s what can and can’t be done again


ANCONA – With the transferability index – the infamous and feared Rt – down to 1.17 yesterday, Brands can also be hopeful. And the hope is that in a week, by Thursday, this indicator will fall below one, as has already happened in four regions: if this were the case as of December 3, the doors would be reopened to restart consumption in the most profitable period of the year for business activities.

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The government already has the plan in mind, which in the last hours was anticipated by the regional presidents: extended store hours until 10 p.m. to avoid crowds by diluting purchases, reopening of shopping centers (now in the orange zone of Marche operating only for markets and parapharmacies), but above all to put restaurants, bars, pastry shops and pubs back into operation.

The hypothesis is that of an evening opening, with the curfew one or two hours ahead of the current 22. In short, an important remodeling that would turn on the Christmas lighting, respecting the anti-Covid measures that we will have to submit to until the distribution of the vaccine. But, economically speaking, some 9,700 companies that have suffered government repression with the classification in the orange zone would breathe again. As the governor Francesco Acquaroli himself explained in a conference call with the leaders of the trade unions, immediately after the State-Regions confrontation on Thursday. Massimiliano Polacco, director of Confcommercio Marche Centrali confirms that the category is working diligently on this hypothesis and the goal is set for December 3, no more.

“Thinking of starting the Christmas car after this date – he explains – means creating an excessive rush of purchases that would not allow adequate management of the gatherings and compliance with the anti-Covid withdrawal. To do this, we must try to get as far ahead as possible and the RT of these last hours comforts us. We also have the support of many mayors who have confirmed their desire to brighten up the historic centers to encourage shopping and give the people of the Marches a period of serenity. Compare the secretary of the Confartigianato Marche, Giorgio Cippitelli, who looks beyond the Christmas period with a critical examination of government actions. “I don’t believe it until I see it,” he begins, commenting on the hypothesis of the December 3 reopening. If the purpose of the next Dpcm is to restart a piece of economy tied to the end of the year holidays and then return to apnea, I do not think that is the ideal, although it helps to breathe the trade. The subject, on the other hand, is more complex and must be studied in the long term, not just the short term. In other words, we must think ahead, beyond the emergency. When the vaccines arrive.

Cippitelli makes a quick calculation: «If it is true that we will have the cure, suppose that by March, how will we arrive at that date? Will we be prepared to restart our economy immediately? The answer for the moment is no. Because we are still groping, when instead we should sit around a table and plan the rebirth of the country and our region. Now it is essential to understand which path we will have to take when the pandemic ends. Change of perspective. Otello Gregorini, secretary of Cna Marche, has just closed the call with Governor Acquaroli and Commissioner Carloni about the Covid business plan. «In a challenge between health and the economy, the economy does not win. Unless we can bring the emergency to a manageable level. If we continue to behave properly – he reflects – we will be able to arrive on December 3 with the candidates of Marche to change their color and think that Christmas will continue to be a time of celebration. However, without letting ourselves go crazy as we did this summer: in this way the regional economy will also catch its breath and it will be a mutual support that will also strengthen the sense of community.

Last updated: 09:14

