the Refreshments Decree Ter it was approved by the Council of Ministers in an evening meeting. Green light to 6 items, for a total allocation of almost 2 billion euros increase non-reimbursable grants for business activities affected by limitations anti-Covid of the last Dpcm. The ministers also gave the green light to the new budget variance gives 8 billion. To the list of Ateco Codes Those who have the right to access aid join the shoe stores and accessories in the red zone. A 400 million fund is also planned to allow municipalities to organize “food aid” for the inhabitants, and another 100 million for the purchase of anti-Covid drugs.
Crumbs? Perhaps, also because the policy of “patches” is destined to continue, since between the end of November and the beginning of December there will be a Refreshments decree quater, financed precisely with the budget deficit of 8,000 million that the Chambers must approve. In the future decree there should be room for the extension of fiscal terms at the end of the year (a maneuver that costs 4.8 billion) and more measures to support those who have been sanctioned by the measures against the epidemic.