the party of the 31 is also prohibited


New year, new dpcm.  The ban on staying up late at night is back: the party on the 31st is also banned

Nothing has yet been decided, the government has yet to evaluate (also together with the Regions) the actions to prevent the Holidays from becoming a multiplier of infections. But since it is to be assumed that around Christmas all of Italy, given the trend of the epidemic, will be yellow, the government is considering introducing a ban in these areas as well (currently only valid for the red or orange regions) to go out. your Municipality of residence, unless there are proven reasons for work, health and need.

This rule would serve to avoid dinners, bingo, parties and New Year’s Eve among multiple families and friends who are not living together, during the period that will probably go from December 19 to January 10.

There is also the hypothesis that this restrictive measure will be triggered on December 23, but it is feared that many families may take advantage of the weekend of December 19 and 20 to anticipate Christmas and celebrate together, thus avoiding the strait against contagion.

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The curfew must also be confirmed from 10 pm to 5 am during this time. Although there are those who do not exclude an advance at 9:00 p.m. The reason for this measure is always the same: to avoid family and friends reunions. And, of course, no New Year’s Eve parties.

So we are heading towards an armored Christmas. This is because experts have repeatedly said that more than 75-80% of infections run in the family. Therefore, the imperative of the government is to avoid reunification between several families who do not cohabit, to avoid the danger of a third wave of the epidemic in January. In short, Christmas becomes a danger. And in all probability it will end as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and several ministers who follow the dossier such as Roberto Speranza (Health) and Francesco Boccia (Regions) anticipate on several occasions: “It will not be a Christmas for everyone to be free”, but “sober and marked by the utmost caution. ”Reserved for“ direct family members. ”Presumably, as we said, only for partners.

This choice, in addition to reducing the risk of the third epidemic wave in January, would also serve to protect the elderly, who are those most at risk of infection. The data shows that the elderly are the most affected by the coronavirus, especially in mortality rates.

