
ROME Another ten billion. Two immediately, to extend compensation to all new red areas business forced to stay closed due to government Dpcm. Then another 8 billion for a new decree, the fourth of the class. Refreshments, to do the tax deadlines November and December, postponing them to April 30. Facing the evolution of the pandemic, the government is preparing the two new measures that will precede another that should arrive in January.
Ristori ter decree, green light of the CDM
The first step is the launching of the third decree. A provision of 2 billion euros that started from 1.4, then increased with the inclusion of 400 million to be allocated to municipalities for food aid and to extend all the measures provided by the second provisioning decree to the new red areas . Therefore, compensation up to 200% for companies closed by the Dpcm based on the Ateco code list attached to the provision, to which shoe stores are added; the suspension of VAT payment for companies subject to ISA, synthetic reliability indices.
The cancellation of the second installment of the Imu in the event that the merchant is also the owner of the walls between which he conducts his business. And again, the deductions for rentals. And then the nanny bonuses of € 1,000 for parents forced to take care of their children up to the age of 12 who cannot attend school due to closures (as long as they carry out activities that cannot be carried out in smart work), which also goes accompanied by a leave of 50 percent of salary.
Ristori’s fourth decree will be worth 8 billion
But the highlight will be the Ristori-quater decree of 8,000 million euros. For this, the Government has requested authorization for a deviation that will be voted on Thursday by the Chambers, although it will not be necessary to make a new deficit thanks to the good evolution of fiscal income. In this measure, thanks mainly to the pressure of Italia Viva, the postponements of the advances of the Irpef and Ires of November, and the VAT and withholdings of December must enter. The new deadline could be set at April 30, 2021 and should affect companies with a turnover of up to 50 million, which in the first half of 2020 recorded a 33% decrease in turnover compared to 2019.
In addition to the ordinary deadlines, the postponement of the payment of the December 10 quota for the scrapping of the folders and the balance and statement must also arrive. In this case, it is primarily the Five Star Movement to push in this direction.
In the Ristori-quater decree there could also be some compensation aimed at sports, entertainment and tourism. But only if there is the certainty of being able to disburse them before the end of the year. Everything else will be postponed instead to a fifth aid decree that should arrive early next year and which should be financed with a new budget deficit of 15-20 billion euros.
Precisely this injection of extra-deficit at the beginning of 2021 could allow, among other things, to release at least in part the 3,800 million allocated with the maneuver in a special anti-Covid fund, designed to have a budget ready to be gradually allocated to the new. Business needs. Resources that with the passage of weeks and the tightening of measures to contain contagion soon seemed insufficient and that could now be diverted to other measures, to be agreed in Parliament, while the Covid Fund would be replaced by the new decree of refreshment of 2021. then a useful little treasure to accommodate parliamentary changes and calm the fibrillations that occur in the majority.