In addition to telematic services, the Fvg regional administration has improved all the useful tools for “remote” work: telephone, regular email and certificate
At the end of the summer, the deadline to file the tax return is postponed. In fact, Decree Law 9/2020 has moved the date of several fiscal deadlines, including the one related to the preloaded 730: from May 5, taxpayers will be able to download it by accessing the Tax Agency portal and they will have time to present it until September 30th. A change, among others, made necessary by the Covid-19 emergency that has also complicated life for the Tax Agency and its local offices.
In addition to telematic services, the regional management of Fvg has improved all the useful tools for “remote” work: telephone, regular email and certificate.
Simplified procedures To continue guaranteeing essential services but at the same time avoiding physical meetings, the Agency has temporarily introduced simplified procedures to request, by email or Pec, the services that are normally provided at the counter. From the issuance of the certificates that the taxpayer or his delegate can request by sending a complete and signed application, if possible with an electronic signature, otherwise with an autographed signature on the document on scanned paper, by email or mail certified electronic attaching the necessary documents: identity, proof of payment through form F24, stamp tax and special taxes, if applicable. The digitally signed certificate will be sent to the taxpayer, always by email or Pec, upon confirmation of payment of the amounts due.
Tax code and VAT numbers. Even in the case of a tax code application, the taxpayer can send the scanned, completed and signed application form by email, also with a digital signature, attaching the necessary documentation. Instead, the request for a duplicate of the health card or Cf can be managed directly online, where there are difficulties it is understood that it can be sent through the “usual” email or Pec: form AA4 / 8 must be completed, signed and scanned, along with a copy of the identity document. The latter method, which can also be followed in the case of a request to assign a tax code to non-natural persons and, with reference to subjects not obliged to submit it through ComUnica, also for requesting a declaration to initiate a business, change data or cease activities for VAT purposes. Instead, Entratel and Fisconline telematic services can be used to request a VAT number.
Tax refunds. Requests for reimbursement of direct taxes, VAT or other indirect taxes, duly signed, can be sent by Pec or by email, as well as sent to the office for further processing in the administrative office. All supporting documentation must be attached, as well as an identity document. Considering the Covid-19 emergency, the model to request credit for reimbursements to the current account can be presented, in addition to the ordinary procedures, in a file attached to a Pec message, digitally signed, without the possibility of delegation.
Recordings deeds. The Cura Italia decree established the suspension of tax obligations other than payments in the period between March 8 and May 31, 2020, including the registration of documents. However, if you intend to submit the deed for registration, the payment of related taxes and fees must also be made, as these payments are not included in the suspension. Always taking into account the moment, the registration can also be made by Pec or by email, however, remembering that at the end of the emergency, the original of the deed must still be deposited in the office.
Telematic services. Even to register for telematic services it is not necessary to go to the office. There are several ways to do it comfortably from home. From the Fisconline registration page: just enter some personal data related to the last statement submitted and you will immediately receive the first part of the PIN code, while the initial password and the second part of the code are sent by post. Alternatively, if you have the National Service Card, the system directly provides the full PIN code and the initial password. Then there is the possibility to download the agency application for free on mobile devices or use Spid credentials. It is understood that the PIN code can be requested at any territorial office, presenting an identification document and completing the corresponding form, but taking into account the health emergency, in this case it is also better to opt for the digital solution by sending, when possible, the Digitally signed form through Pec.