I understand very well the hostile reaction of Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni to the possibility of a dialogue between the majority and the opposition on the Covid crisis, but I am still in awe. His predecessors, Umberto Bossi and Gianfranco Fini, who also had an absolutely rude tone towards Silvio Berlusconi, probably would have been the first to request a dialogue: Bossi to defend the interests of the North, which runs the risk of sinking into the emergency; To gain the democratic legitimacy to which it has always aspired.
I am not a political scientist and I have no answers as to why Lega and FdI have strayed so far from their original imprint. The answer I give myself is simply: because a large part of the ruling class of Forza Italia has given them a perception of omnipotence, behaving for too long as a spare wheel for other people’s ambitions.
Now that an immense catastrophe looms over the country; now that Europe is pressuring us for a Recovery Plan that is not ready; now that we have started to recount hospital deaths and the number of bankrupt companies; now that massive unemployment in commerce and services looms; now, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, we should have the force of collective reflection instead of useless internal lacerations.
Is it easier to get the tax holiday Salvini is asking for by sitting at a confrontational table or by standing outside the door? Is it easier to achieve the expansion of the aid stations that Meloni proposes by discussing it with the government or simply by demanding it?
These are the questions that the center-right should ask itself, all at once, in the name not so much of an abstract and generic national interest as of the interest of its constituents: the millions of private employees, families, businessmen large or small, all concerned for their interests. future and often in difficulties even with the present. What a magnificent victory would be a budget law and then a Recovery Plan that did not “punish” the categories traditionally linked to the center-right, but spoke with balance to the entire country!
The fact that the most absolute hostility to dialogue comes from the world of the Five Stars should enlighten us. In the last political elections, one of the most consistent electoral flows was the one that saw Grillini’s votes “pour” into the League: it is obvious, once the old yellow-green alliance is finished, that the M5S has every interest in raising a “cordon of health” That isolates sovereigns and rightists. The prospect of a bipartisan confrontation would be a catastrophe for the Grillino world. Among other things, it would marginalize their claim to be the only spokesmen for the people: perhaps this should also be considered with more watch out.