Today in Italy there are 37,242 new cases and 699 deaths from coronavirus. Overall, detected infections amounted to 1,345,767 and deaths to 48,569. And Abruzzo goes into the red zone.
The increase in patients in intensive care continues to slow: in the last 24 hours there are 36 more than yesterday, for a total of 3,748. According to data from the Ministry of Health, the positives are currently 777,176,
15,505 more in the last 24 hours: of these, 33,957 were hospitalized in ordinary wards, with an increase of 347, and 739,471 in home isolation (+15,122).
The regions
In Lombardy 9,221 cases of coronavirus and 175 deaths are reported. Since the start of the epidemic, there have been 20,190 deaths in the region. The swabs performed were 42,248, for a total of 3,724,757. Yesterday, out of 37,595 swabs, there were 7,453 infections and 165 deaths.
In Lazio, 500 general practitioners have begun to perform i rapid antigen tests. This was announced by the regional health counselor, Alessio D’Amato, specifying that it is the “first 500”. At the same time, “the first 50 pharmacies started running rapid antigenic swabs and serological tests.”
4,226 new Covid infections have been detected in Campania (of which 593 symptomatic) in 27,649 swabs: the ratio between cases and tests is 15.28%. The Crisis Unit report, updated at midnight, also reports 25 victims, bringing the death toll to 1,217. Here is the report of beds regionally: in intensive care, 201 of the 656 available are occupied, in hospitalization the occupation is 2,244 of the 3,160 available (including the private healthcare offer).
In Apulia almost 30 thousand positive people but the Rt index falls from 1.45 to 1.24, still above the warning level of ‘1’ but improving. Apulia, for the moment, remains the orange area, waiting for the CTS to complete its assessment. And the values, according to the Councilor for Health, Pierluigi Lopalco, are “objectively” from the area of this color. Hospitals, however, are still under siege, in the Perinei di Altamura the health directorate was forced to temporarily close the emergency room.
due to an overflow of patients that has become unmanageable. Today 1,456 new cases have been registered in the region of the 10,102 tests of Covid-19 infection analyzed. Instead, the deaths were 16, compared to 28 yesterday.
The number of patients admitted to hospitals continues to grow Market: there are a total of 697 positives to ‘Covid-19’, 22 more than yesterday: 623 are in hospital wards (19 more than yesterday) and 74
in the emergency room (3 more than yesterday). There are 81 patients in intensive care.
With the new 2,533 cases of Coronavirus more than yesterday, out of a total of 22,307 swabs, infections in Emilia romagna Since the beginning of the pandemic, they have exceeded one hundred thousand (100,344). For the second day of
In line, the number of hospitalized in intensive care remains stable, 244, while those of the rest of the Covid departments continue to increase, 2,534 (+45). There are 47 new deaths, from 58 to 96 years old.
In Sicily There are 43 new deaths from coronavirus in Sicily. He denounces it to Civil Protection. There are 1,634 new infections, for a total of 34,756 current positives. The healed / discharged are 416, for a total of 14,179. The swabs were 10,020. There are a total of 242 hospitalized in intensive care.
Abruzzo goes to the red zone
The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has signed an ordinance, in force as of today, which renews the measures relating to the regions Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Puglia, Sicily, Valle d’Aosta. These are the six regions covered by the ordinance first issued and now expiring. For all the others, for the moment, the positions in the bands assigned by the ordinances still in force are maintained.
Therefore, there was no color change that many expected: Apulia and Sicilia remain in the “orange” band. Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria and Valle d’Aosta remain in the “red” band. According to the Dpcm, next week these six regions could in theory have a lightening of the measures. However, due to the pressure on the hospitals, the government and regional presidents maintain the utmost caution.
And Abruzzo has happened to Red zone based on the data emerging from the last follow-up. The news was confirmed by the President of the Abruzzo Region, Marco Marsilio after speaking with the Minister of Health.
In Lazio, a new ordinance for shops and supermarkets
The President of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, has signed a new ordinance which contains more measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency of Covid. “This is a provision that completes the one issued last week on the closure of large commercial structures on weekends and holidays,” explains the Lazio Region. Specifically the new
order foresees “the opening of some wholesale commercial activities, duly indicated. Automobile showrooms and horticultural companies are also kept open”.
“No retail or wholesale business, including supermarkets, will be able to continue selling on weekdays, before holidays, and holidays. after 21.00, to allow staff, after the reduction of public transport times, to return home before 10 pm. Pharmacies are excluded because they are a public service. Bars and restaurants as public establishments will be able to carry out sales activities with take-out food until 22.00 hours as required by the national Dpcm ”.
The contagion index Rt falls: 1.18 (was 1.43)
The Rt contagion index in Italy has fallen: the weekly data updated to November 18 place it at 1.18, again above 1, a sign that the epidemic continues to grow, but very close to the stability phase. Last week it stood at 1.43, two weeks ago at 1.72. This is what we read in the draft of the weekly monitoring report of the control room of the Ministry of Health-ISS. The index is falling almost everywhere, with 4 regions already falling below 1, that is, technically they should enter the decline phase: this is Lazio (0.82), Liguria (0.89), Molise (0.94) and Sardinia (0.79).
This is the list of other regions: Abruzzo 1.32, Basilicata 1.46, Calabria 1.06, Campania 1.11, Emilia romagna 1.14, Lombardy 1.15, Piedmont 1.09, Bolzano Province 1.16, Province of Trento 1.03, Apulia 1.24, Sicily, 1.14, Tuscany 1.31, Umbria 1.06, Val d’Aosta 1.14.
However, it is too early to claim victory: “The epidemic in Italy – the report reads – remains at critical levels both because the incidence of new diagnoses remains very high and continues to rise, and because of its severity with an impact significant in welfare services. ” “. In most of the national territory” transmissibility is compatible with a type 2 scenario with some Regions / APs where the transmission speed is still compatible with scenario 3. A reduction in transmissibility is observed compared to the previous week, suggesting an initial effect of mitigation measures introduced at the national and regional level as of October 14, 2020. However, the experts write, from transmissibility in most of the territory continues to be with an Rt greater than 1 and implies an increase in new cases; this tendency should not lead to a relaxation of measures or a decrease in attention to behavior “.
In particular “17 Regions / PAs are classified at high risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Of these, 2 (Calabria and Umbria, ed) are considered high risk as a precaution as they cannot be reliably assessed due to the integrity of the surveillance data, insufficient at the time of assessment. Of these 17, 11 were classified as high risk and / or equated to high risk for 3 or more consecutive weeks; This provides for the adoption of specific measures at the provincial and regional level based on the document ‘Prevention and response to Covid-19: evolution of the strategy and planning in the transition phase for the autumn-winter period’ ”of the Ministry of Health. Of the 17 Regions at high risk or equivalent, “3 have a transferability calculated as of November 4 compatible with a transmission scenario 3, 9 with a type 2 scenario and the remaining 5 with a type 1 scenario”.
As of November 17, 18 Regions had exceeded at least one critical threshold in the medical or intensive care area. If current transmissibility is maintained, almost all Regions / PAs have a probability greater than 50% of exceeding at least one of these thresholds in a month. The continued increase in people with Covid-19 admitted to hospitals implies an inevitable erosion of resources to help patients with other diseases, the draft says.
This week we see a further increase in cases it brings the incidence in the last 14 days was 732.6 per 100,000 inhabitants in the period 10/26/2020-08/11/2020 (there were 648.3 per 100,000 inhabitants in the 10/26 / 2020-08 / 11/2020 period). The increase in cases is widespread in almost the entire country.