There are 2,533 new positives in the last 24 hours compared to 20,307 buffers. These are the numbers of the daily bulletin on coronavirus infections in Emilia Romagna, thus reaching a total of 100,344 cases registered since the beginning of the epidemic. In contrast, the victims are 47 (5,265 since the beginning of the epidemic), 558 recently recovered, bringing the total to 32,145. The percentage of new positives over the number of tampons manufactured is 11.3% today, compared to 11.4% yesterday, with an Rt falling to 1.14. “As a percentage of positives in tampons, we are below the national average,” said regional health advisor and Raffaele Donini during the weekly live facebook. “The curve slows down, in the week of November 13 to 20 the percentage of increase in positive cases fell to 7.8% compared to 21% in the previous one. If this trend is confirmed next week, Emilia-Romagna could soon return to the yellow zone. This of course does not exempt us from lowering our guard, but from following the rules with greater responsibility ”.
At the provincial level, Modena is the province with the highest number of new infections, followed by Bologna (534), Reggio Emilia (363), Piacenza (309), Ravenna (158), Parma (125), Rimini (109) and Ferrara. (101). Then the area of Imola (80), Cesena (68) and Forlì (61).
Identified anti-virus vaccine storage centers
Meanwhile, the Region is preparing for the future. On the one hand, Donini announced the excellent results of the influenza campaign, with 850,000 Emilia-Romagna already vaccinated, the same figure as in the entire period a year ago. Now the goal is to deliver 1.5 million doses by Christmas. On the other hand, the Region has identified the centers for the conservation and storage of the anti-Covid vaccine (by Pfizer-Biontech) and the health structures that will administer, in the coming months, the first doses destined, in the initial phase, to the health personnel and rectors. residential for seniors.