Covid, Crisanti: “I am not against the vaccine, not against exploitation” | Microbiologist attacked for his words about the “unsafe vaccine”


The words of Crisanti that sparked the controversy – The first vaccine that arrives in January, “without data I will not do it, because I want to be reassured that it has been tested and meets all the criteria for safety and efficacy. As a citizen I have the right to it, I am not willing to accept shortcuts.” This was what Andrea Crisanti, director of microbiology and virology at the University of Padua, had said when speaking with Focus Live, the “Focus” science festival.

Locatelli: “Safe vaccines, some puzzling statements” – Words that have sparked a heated controversy among scientists. “The safety profiles of the vaccines that will be available for commercialization will follow a series of unavoidable steps guaranteed by the regulatory agencies: EMA for Europe, FDA for the USA,” said the president of the Superior Council of Health and member of the CTS. , Franco Locatelli, responding indirectly to Andrea Crisanti. Locatelli defined as “disconcerting” some statements read in the press, adding: “In a country that in itself is sometimes characterized by a certain perplexity, doubt or hostility to consider vaccination strategies, it is always good to remember the reverberation at the media level that certain statements may have “.

Aifa: “Vaccine Safety Claims Are Unfounded” – The pharmaceutical agency also intervenes through its CEO Nicola Magrini, who states: “It is wrong to spread unfounded claims about the safety of vaccines. The most serious, as false, refers to the phases of clinical trials that may have been skipped : Clinical studies on Covid vaccines have carried out all phases of validation and evaluation. ” And of Crisanti he says: “He has often spoken as an expert on this pandemic, but from what he says he does not seem so at all and I think that with his words he causes serious damage to the country, as well as to himself.”

Bassetti: Very serious claims by Chrysanthus – “Professor Crisanti’s statements about the anti-Covid vaccine are very serious. Hinting at doubts about the scientific nature of vaccines is anachronistic and misleading for people.” Wrote the infectious disease specialist Matteo bassetti on Facebook, where he asks “If I or my colleague had said something like that Alberto Zangrillo what would happen? I believe that the scientific community as a whole should distance itself from what has been said. This is Crisanti’s thinking and all responsibilities must be assumed at a time when the country needs to be united. I would get vaccinated today. “

Sileri: Crisanti is wrong about the vaccine, it will be safe – “I think Crisanti is wrong: the vaccine will be safe. When it arrives. And I will enter the categories that can do it immediately, I will,” said the Vice Minister of Health. Pierpaolo Sileri commenting on the words of Andrea Crisanti. Sileri then explained: “We will have to wait for certification. It is true that everything went very quickly, but it is also the first time that so much funding has been invested, and it is the first time that volunteers have been found for experimentation in a long time. fast. This is the first time the world has faced something new. ”

Crisanti: “Don’t make me pass for a no-Vax” – “They asked me a question: would you do it today? Today I would not do the vaccine because there is only data related to company announcements and because today there is not enough knowledge.” This is the clarification of Crisanti after the uproar caused by his previous statements. “When the scientific community has examined it – he said – I will. I don’t understand where the problem is. I am one of the signatory-proponents of influenza vaccination, how can I be against a vaccine? This is a real exploitation. I’m saying that to make a vaccine, I personally want it approved and I want to see the data. ”

Pile Up On Pfizer CEO: “Stock Selling Questions Vaccine, Not Me” – The microbiologist adds to the dose saying: “But nobody was surprised because the CEO of Pfizer sold his shares in the company the day after the announcement (according to which the vaccine produced is 90% effective). he is the most informed person: why did he sell the shares if he thinks the vaccine is effective? It is these actions that undermine confidence in the vaccine. Unbalanced people making a safety speech, like I did. ”
